Cleopatra3101 is horny!just look at this sight

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24 thoughts on “Cleopatra3101 is horny!just look at this sight

  1. When someone Pranks you at work it is not Okay. Not even if it wasn't a triggering act.

    You need to report your coworker for playing pranks on coworkers.

    “I need you to know that this guy is playing pranks on coworkers. This is a working environment and I shouldn't have to put up with childish bullshit. I'm trying to do my job. I told him to cut it out but his pranks are getting worse instead. Can you get this guy to stop and focus on his job instead? At the very least I want to work on shifts with other staff who care about their job.”

    Based on how it goes you can decide whether or not to mention the Triggering behavior.

    You didn't start this. A 30 yr old stupid person is behaving like a child in the workplace.

    Based on how that

  2. You’ve included a lot of info here, but I still don’t feel like I know your situation well, like I have no idea what you had large fights about. However, I don’t really need to know that much. You’ve described a decade of partnership with someone with alcohol problems and you’re unhappy in several ways. Will you know if he’s the one for you after another decade? If you want to make a last push, would your partner be open to couples counseling?

  3. If you happen to hurt his feelings then he's got really thin skin just say no thank you I don't go to church and I have no desire to go to church. Clean and simple. You don't even have to explain yourself you could say no thank you and leave it at that if he asks then you can say I don't go to church. You do not owe him an explanation. If he starts harassing you then he's not a very good friend. My dad knew better than to try and get me to go to church with him. he would preach to me constantly but he know I would not go. I let him take my one of my kids who had interest but that was it.

  4. It is ultimately your decision, but clearly this is something you should discuss with him.

    Regardless of what you ultimately decide, remember that 10 years is a lot of mess to untangle. If you do decide this is the end, you should probably have your exit strategy prepared before you have this discussion with him just in case his response solidifies your decision to end it.

  5. My wife and I both kept our last names. As for children, we both compromised on the first name, she chooses the middle name, they get my last name.

  6. I think that now that you’ve heard what she has to say I would set a boundary. I would tell her that you’re very uncomfortable that she’s maintaining personal connection to this guy. There are so many posts on Reddit about couples where this happens to them pretty soon. The person is either having an affair or the relationship has broken up and the two people that were in connection are dating.

    My point is not that she’s doing that at all. My point is that it can happen. If nothing else, it’s starting to become an emotional affair which is inappropriate if she’s in a relationship with you.

  7. I’ll toss out my perspective with a similar situation. I did invite him out of politeness and feeling like maybe people would ask if he wasn’t there and he didn’t end up coming. We haven’t talked in over 10 years now and I still just wish I’d had that moment with him as an official end but idk. I wouldn’t want a relationship with him but it would have been nice to have that.

  8. STDs and Stis are still very much a thing and with the right to choose an abortion being taken away in many states, the stakes are way too high not to be having protected sex.

  9. Don't worry about it dude, we are all in the same boat. Shit happens, life goes on with or without us and we are good people, we deserve better.

    Its ok to be in a dark place and it takes a fuckton of strength to pull yourself out. But there will be better times mate, I promise you.

  10. How has he been bringing it up recently?

    I would guess that eventually his desires for sexual novelty are going to become more and more prominent. It’s very normal to not want to only sleep with one person your whole life.

  11. You sound obsessed and overbearing just from these comments. He's spent the last month asking for space; and this is how you communicate with strangers? I can't imagine what he's put up with.

    You got ghosted for being clingy. I don't know what other reason you could possibly see.

  12. I’m in my 30s. I don’t know a single person who regrets making decisions for their own career and livelihood at that age. I know plenty who regret making decisions in favor of a guy.

  13. Sir it sounds like you would be better off without her. Your are working yourself to the bone and she can't respect that and wants to bitch and complain. Find someone worthy of you and your very hot work.

  14. Sir it sounds like you would be better off without her. Your are working yourself to the bone and she can't respect that and wants to bitch and complain. Find someone worthy of you and your very hot work.

  15. How about this:

    You send him this: Cool, I choose to be single rather than dating someone so controlling. Bai

  16. I’m judging from your avatar that you’re a dude. Why would a man say these things to his wife? His newlywed 20-something wife who most consider “pretty” at the very least?

  17. So…. you have to wait 2 minutes for her to finish playing her game but she cannot wait 2 minutes for you to finish with your call? Then have the audacity to be mad she wasn't the first person you told, because SHE WASN'T AVAILABLE BC SHE WAS PLAYING A GAME WHEN YOU WENT TO TELL HER?! I think you don't deserve this.

  18. Well I have almost never seen partners come to work things unless it's a formal dinner or something. Never for drinks after work, would never occur to me to bring my partner.


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