CindySun live webcams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “CindySun live webcams for YOU!

  1. It's not ridiculous to get upset over this. I'm assuming you do cleaning as well and just expect her to clean up after herself instead of making a mess and walking away? She honestly sounds disgusting, leaving food containers and (barf) her business in the toilet and asking you to flush for her because it's “not a big deal”…?? No, just no. This is actually something I'd leave someone over if I had the argument more than a few times and she still leaves garbage all over and can't clean up after herself. You're not expecting her to clean after everyone top to bottom, just be responsible for at least her own messes. What she's doing is extremely disrespectful, both in the way she leaves the mess in the first place and in how she ignores when you ask her to please take care of it. Can you see yourself living forever with someone who just walks away from a full toilet? Like idk who even does that. My kid is 11 and has never (maybe once as a toddler) done that. With someone who leaves food garbage all over? That shit gets moldy, smells, attracts bugs/critters, etc. With someone who is teaching her daughter to be the same way? This is a huge incompatibility, you can give her another chance by saying if she doesn't change then you're out, but she'll change for a bit and then go right back to her old ways. I don't think this is a sustainable relationship unfortunately ?

  2. Well, according to OP she refuses to go to the doctor and says it’s his fault she’s like this. You’re a fucking dumbass, emphasis on ass.

  3. First, it is not unfair to request an extra day off to account for travelling ahead of a storm. You have to prioritize home over work. If you were too ill to work they would cope wouldn't they.

    I wouldn't worry about an extra day with her parents this trip. This split just makes sense due to the weather. Make it up at another visit.

    You guys are too old to be petty with each other, grow up.

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  5. when i wrote that his friends were telling him to talk to other girls, it was for his benefit. they were telling him to go buy a girl a drink and get her number for himself, he wasn't being a wingman. and the finding a Latina also was for himself

  6. So, you've been told no, you're wrong. Clearly. By more than one person. Are you respecting that no yet?

    Well played

  7. Our marriage counsellor says some marriages get better after betrayal? Communication gets better but I can’t move forward without a true sorry! I’m not going to beg for one!

    If it was my friend I would tell her to leave him but this the first time I have expressed myself and I’m heartbroken ?

  8. You were both teens. You will probably find a lot of immature behaviour.

    If she was sending pre 18 year old nudes to any guy. It’s illegal.

    One of the problems with marrying way too young is a history of childish behaviour because you still were teen children. It’s highly unusual to be married so young which leads to other life issues you may both have had.

  9. Unless it's 1920 and your husband works 18 hours a day in a coalmine, there's no reason he can't pick up a d@mn broom or do some laundry.

    You already have 2 kids, OP. One of whom is a net drain on your household. If you can get full custody, there would be no child support payments. Is alimony a thing where you online?

  10. Because the number of people anyone has slept with doesn't dictate compatibility with someone else, or determine how much people can love each other?

    What is gross is that this number is such a big deal to people today

  11. Now that I know this, I’m confident he has some issues and if he isn’t willing to get help, it’s probably only gonna get worse. I’m not saying give up on him, but be careful and pay attention. He very well could be dangerous in the future. I’m sorry, Reddit friend. Wish yous the best.

  12. It seems very obvious to me that he's intentionally setting himself up to break his phone so that he can use yours and go through it to check for signs of cheating, but regardless, you can tell him no. Your phone is yours. If he refuses to do absolutely anything to keep his phone from breaking, then he can figure out his own solution. If he tries to guilt you about how partners help each other, tell him that cuts both ways and he is majorly inconveniencing you regularly because he won't do anything to protect his phone.

    I would also take your phone to the Apple store or similar and get it checked for spyware.

  13. Please read, “Why does he do that: inside the minds of controlling and abusive men”.

    He likes making you uneasy, insecure. It makes him feel like he’s controlling you, because he is. While you are consumed with trying to second guess your behavior, he gets all your attention and can think of what he wants to get out of you when you try to cajole him out of his “bad mood”. He also gets to charm others, while you are getting over his whiplash mood changes.

    He is setting you up to look like the crazy one, while he makes you crazy. He is not crazy. He’s manipulative. He doesn’t care if he hurts your feelings if it means he gets what he wants.

    Have I spelled it out clearly enough? ….. he’s abusive. Just because he hasn’t hit or disparaged you yet, doesn’t mean this isn’t abusive behavior.

    Once he controls you into never speaking, then in no particular order it will be always cooking his favorite meals and what you wear. Then cleaning incessantly, then performing sexually, then the faces that you make, then the thoughts he thinks you might be having. It won’t matter if you achieve perfection in any particular area, then your perfection becomes the new daily expectation.


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