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3KChloe(redhair) Mira (brownhair) Kitty (blond) all actions are paid in a private show, y.o.
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She won’t stop getting high and blackout drunk at parties or the rapists win? She has a serious problem. And if she doesn’t remember she might be agreeing at the time. Of course a drunk woman can’t give consent but the guy is just as drunk so why is he the only one at fault? I am a woman and not victim blaming or defining rapiers, but there has to be accountability. And your girlfriend refuses to do that.
You should ask him if you did the same thing with another man if he would be okay with it? If he isn’t, then he has his answer. It sounds like emotional cheating. And he needs to respect the reasonable boundaries you’re setting.
Stop lying lol
Thank you for your honesty and information. Greatly appreciated.