Chloe-jeenner live! sex chats for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Chloe-jeenner live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. This just feels like he's asking for permission to cheat.


    That's clearly the relationship he wants. Unless it's also what you want (and it clearly isn't) then the right thing to do is part ways now before you hate each other.

  2. You're going to extremes lol, every person is capable of a bad break and killing you on the spot, does it mean It's gonna happen?

  3. Both men and women go through depression differently and it takes different tolls on relationships.

    I'm happy that you are improving and looking to do more. It's a great sign, but she hasn't gotten there yet, and that's holding you back.

    It's naked to give advice on this but I honestly would recommend talking to her about your relationship and seeing where you stand together. What does she want and think? Maybe try being intimate or taking her out on a date to relight the fire.

    But, if that doesn't work or whatever plan you figure out to try and help her or get things going again as a couple, I'd say it's probably over. Depression sucks and it changes people. It sucks to move on but sometimes leaving a specific environment and moving to new pastures helps improve both parties. You deserve to be happy and even though you love her, moving on might be the best option.

  4. When I was 25y/o, I couldn't imagine dating a 19y/o woman. I'm 27 now, and I still find the idea of dating a 21y/o woman exhausting and weird. But recently, at the age of 27, I dated two different women who were 10 years older than me. The first didn't work out because we were at different stages in life. The second worked beautifully because we were at the same stage in life until she had to relocate for work.

    So, like another commenter said, by itself, a 6 year age gap is no big deal. The big deal stems from the ages (19 and 25) and the fact that she's your boss, which is a big no no, no matter how old you are, in general I even avoid dating coworkers because it just gets messy.

  5. A 20 year old with pinworms, and he's had them before. ? And he doesn't care that he repeatedly gets them. ? Gross. His lack of hygiene is putting you at risk.

  6. Hello /u/sassy_tin_foil_hat,

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  7. Maybe you should just tell him to do at home before he gets fired or catches a charge?

    You don't have an issue with him watching porn so tell him to have at it in the house.

  8. No, she is not a good woman. She is a violent monster. This is going to escalate and she is going to try to kill you. That is what abusers do.

  9. Not sure how “BIL admitting he wears underwear” is more embarrassing than “BF convinced I'm cheating on him” but you do you.

  10. Just be careful about this. People may say the more the merrier because they don’t want to be jerks, but sometimes friends want to hang out without partners there. There’s nothing wrong with that. Being the buy who always has to bring his partner to everything can quickly put you on the outside.

    Obviously in this instance it was good, but this is a pretty fringe case. Most of the time it isn’t an elaborate plot to frame you for cheating.

    Of course you can do what you want. Bring your partner or don’t. Just be aware that it’s ok to do things separately sometimes and there may be social consequences for insisting your wife be with you every time you see your friends.

  11. Well if you intend to marry him and have kids then yes, you will have to do this over and over again.

    How about suggesting that you alternate years. One summer you go with him and his family, the next summer you two go away as a couple to somewhere you want to be.

    He should t have a problem with this. He should consider your wishes to be equally if not more important as his family.

    If he won’t compromise then he doesn’t see you as an equal to him or his family, and your choices then become:

    Give in and follow them round like a ghost for ever more

    Break up

  12. He doesnt like you girl. You’re not “the only woman he likes” you’re just the only one willing to sleep with him right now. If he hates women, and he knows you’re a woman, he doesn’t magically separate his hate for what you ARE from you. He will never see you as an equal because he dislikes a fundamental part of what makes you, you. Similar to racists who still have sex with minorities, you’re not a person to him

  13. According to others in this thread, her encounters in grad school 10 years ago when she wasn't married, engaged or even living in the same region as her boyfriend is equivalent to her lying and cheating throughout their entire marriage.

    it's not the nature of the encounters themselves but the fact that she hid the truth for ten years that makes the betrayal a continuous one throughout the marriage

  14. If she wants kids and you don't. Even 1% don't.

    Do not pursue seriously or have kids as a compromise.

    Age gap. Eh. You're both adults.

  15. She’s using her “sensitivity” to control you. It’s gross and likely emotionally abusive. This really needs to be sorta put in couples therapy.

  16. Thank you for sharing your story. Its going to help everyone who reads it.

    I dont have answers for you. Only more clarity of myself.

    Blessings on your journey. And thank you.

  17. Right. Manipulators look for people like her, people who blame themselves for the other person's bad behavior.

  18. I mean wtf does she expect. One of the few times you could tell your girl to get over it. Protect your home and family at all costs. No excuses.

  19. The guy agreed to her terms. If he had a problem with it then he never should have agreed to it in the first place. It’s incredibly shitty of him to expect her to cave now.


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