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35 thoughts on “CARLOS , JUAN , JOHAN , RONAL the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I work for a 3rd party company that handles 200+ life insurance claims daily, and not once have I ever seen the relationship of a beneficiary as boss… Something is definitely off here OP.

  2. Hunny this pissy little man baby just ain’t it and you know it. You’re not responsible for mothering a grown ass man! Ditch the loser and find an actual equal partner because what even was his sad bullshit right there

  3. Communication. Sit down and tell her she's not a dependant, you're in this together for the long haul and this is an investment in her and your future to have this arrangement that allows for stress-free schooling. She is pulling her weight. You don't have to be paid money to pull your weight. She is working hard.

    That's probably what I keep telling her. Although my fashion is to rather compare how much time working on something one is spending. I do one meal a meal a day, dishes and our laundry, and a full-time job, while she does 2 meals, other chores, full-time law school and part-time work. In every sense of the word she is working NAKED, much harder than me for sure.

    Also, get married when you want to, don't let school dictate that.

    My reasoning was that it'll be much easier to have things settled a bit for both of us. I'm also considering a start-up in my field or business school, even though I hate studying. So I'm essentially just holding out to some get things “figured out” first. Her and me being together is my top priority though, I've been with this woman more than half a decade, I'm pretty sure by now I'm comfortably in for the long haul.

  4. I think all of his reasons seem sound: to (1) on-line independently before trying to live! with someone else again and (2) on-line somewhere that is affordable. For him as an individual, this seems like a smart move.

    That said, all of these choices have an impact on your relationship. When you are in a serious relationship, you make decisions like this together. Perhaps he did not feel your relationship was at the level where you make such decisions together?

    That leaves you with some decisions of your own to make. Are you willing to be in a LDR? Could you see yourself eventually following him to his new location, should the timing be right for you to move in or get married? Or would you prefer to live! where you do now and want him to move back?

  5. There are MLMs that do sex toys, is it possible that she's been sucked into one of those trying to make some extra money in her retirement?

    If so, she might be trying to get rid of the extra stock she has.

  6. Hello /u/SecurityPotential809,

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  8. I don't think you should have to drop out because of this, but a study break might be an option while you get life sorted.

    I think it's clear that you need to get away from your family, if not at least him. Mental issues may explain his behaviour, it absolutely does not excuse it. He is a danger to you, your brother and the people around him. You need to cut him out of your life. For your safety and your future. Don't let yourself get destroyed by him. Honestly, I'd go further to say he should be in prison (or at least be getting serious professional help), and if he doesn't stop, a trying to get a restraining order can help enforce a distance legally if it comes to that.

    Living with your friend is an option for a safe space. It doesn't have to be a permanent arrangement, but it would be an option. You can talk to her about the plans. I would also reach out to your university of choice. I don't know what country you on-line in but many offer uni accommodation, or places around to rent or rooms to let (assuming that is something you're comfortable down).

    You will have options open to you. I hope your brother finds somewhere away from him too where he can build a peaceful future.

  9. I just think we need to come to some sort of agreement. Marriage includes having literally 50/50 decisions that have to be made. If he is putting his foot down to that extent and not willing to listen or even consider my needs as well it can raise red flags for me.

  10. That's not normal! I'm not sure many people would feel uncomfortable in your situation. You may want to give him some concrete examples of what it means to feel more of a priority and discuss them.

  11. I'm sorry, if you and him would personally loose money, maybe, even then, v shitty. But to have others pay for almost all and being ok with them loosing all the money is ultra shitty. Have a blast at that party, enjoy that vacation, and when you get back home think really hard about wether or not you really want to marry him, because this is just a preview to how your married life will be.

  12. Because, if he truly does not take into account her feelings he’s also jeopardizing what I am assuming is a fairly harmonious working relationship at this moment.

    His ex-wife suffered a huge blow in her life. She is not child-free, she is childless because of infertility. She gave up on something that she wanted in her life because her body wouldn’t allow her to do it. It wasn’t really her choice at all.

    Respectful is messaging the ex wife (text or call) ASAP to allow her to take in the information I’m privacy so that she is not confronted with any of the emotions that may come up for her at a public event she is hosting on behalf of her business.

    It’s not about consoling her ex, who I’m sure actually doesn’t want to be consoled by him at all.

  13. I just had a thought that maybe I should tell him he’s allowed to drop his load in my hair if he drops the argument… but truthfully I’m worried it will make the problem worse!!! ??‍♀️

  14. I absolutely understand this point. People’s opinions change based on others people’s opinions. But in this situation, it feels different. He’s my first boyfriend, he’s such a sensitive, kind and gentle human. My mom knows him and know his positive qualities, which I also talk to her about. She genuinely thinks very positively of him, so much that she told me that she’d approve if we were to marry and have a family together (she’s exaggerating on purpose but still means it)

  15. Why are you giving her all the power in your relationship? Dump her she obviously wants to see other people and that's probably what she's doing since she's blocking you and doesn't want you to see what she's doing on-line.

  16. Thank you for the advice! We discussed a few of these things before we confirmed he was moving in:

    We decided we would split the chores down the middle. Right now I clean the entire apartment once a week and he has agreed to do it with me (he is more organized than me lol) In terms of income mine is much higher, I'm going to take care of rent, we'll split utilities, and he'll do groceries. Looking over our budgets we've decided this is fair proportion wise. We've discussed his furniture placement, but this is good advice! Once he's moved in I will talk to him about this. We have discussed cleanliness and who does groceries/cooking, but not the amount of food. This is a good point. This is a good point too!

  17. You know what you have to do to get peace and it's not trying to assemble the ashes of your relationship into a replica of it's former self. All of the caveats that you can think of, are really crutches that you hope will help to avoid the pain of moving on. There is no way to move on except to do it. Sorry for the direct comment. The point is to give you a glimpse of reality. Not to hurt you. Do what needs to be done and look forward to greater happiness. Best wishes.

  18. Why would OP attack poor SIL like that, though? I agree she could have a talk with her, but in a nice way. It’s not SIL’s job to keep her husband in check. OP should save the harsh words for BIL. He’s the one who needs to hear those things.

  19. I've asked my last two partners, when was the last time they were tested, and it was before we were intimate. They had no problem answering. Ended up being a 5 and then a 2 year relationship.

    If you're sexually active, it shows your taking responsibility for your health and concern for future partners. It's not just about trust its about having open communication.

  20. I can’t tell you how many times I have had people in my store buying a white dress for a wedding. every single time I have told them it is in poor taste, and insulting to the bride. Only one insisted on doing it.

  21. Maybe consider wording that a different way. Telling someone you can’t on-line without their affection is overly dramatic and will not win any empathy. Spouses live! without affection for many reasons especially in old age and you don’t want to imply that’s the only reason you stay or you won’t be a true life partner.

    Describe how it makes you actually feel so she knows how it effects you. Yea, you actually have to be vulnerable and talk about your feelings but it will be better than general exaggerations that wound likely spur feelings of anger or inadequacy rather than empathy.

  22. This is my son. It is my duty to look out for him. In my culture, that doesn't stop once the child turns 18. I'm not controlling his marriage. I'm trying to open his eyes to something that will have great consequences on the long run.

  23. Omg lol there’s a 5 year age gap read the post. He’s 23, she’s 28. He was 8, she was 13. Why is this any different than two friends who grew up together & thought of each other as family for a time but developed feelings as adults??

  24. You're either:

    A) dumb

    B) Insecure as fuck

    Why does her saying “I know” and “right” annoy you? Are you sure she's saying it because she doesn't like your response? What if she is just saying it as confirmation and she agrees with you? What if she's saying it because she feels like you come across as 'splaining like you think she's dumb?

    Instead of responding to things like giving her facts, what about asking questions or saying your opinion on the matter?

    This is a you problem. It's something you, yourself need to work on and doesn't necessarily need to involve her.

    If you still want to tell her, remember to phase things as if the fault is on you. I.e don't say things like an attack (“your reaction to ny responses are annoying” is a nono). Use I-statements: “I feel annoyed because I don't know how to handle my anxiety in coming up with a response”

    But seriously dude, you need some help if your anxiety/amount of concern about your self image is this bad

  25. What'd you expect? You apparently married a 13 year old

    Seriously though, if he's acting like that after only 3 days, he's shockingly immature. He might have a point about separating – nothing in what you wrote indicates you're getting anything out of this relationship. Are you?

  26. The thing about human emotions is that we all have our own, and we don't get to decide what other people get to feel upset about.

    OP, it sounds like this was really important to him, and he is feeling hurt. That's totally okay – he gets to have his feelings, and we don't have to understand them.

    But what he can't do is use his emotions as an excuse to be mean to you. Is he doing that? Or is he just upset and trying to process his emotions? If it's the latter, I would say just give him some space and let him know that you are here for him whenever he's ready to talk.

    You can't change what happened, but maybe you can come up with another wow moment together. Just talk to him and figure this out as a team – when he's ready.


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