Brownroundrenee is horny!just look at this sight

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16 thoughts on “Brownroundrenee is horny!just look at this sight

  1. Call the nearest domestic violence center or women’s shelter immediately. Develop a safety plan for you and your pets. Once it’s in place, get away from this man

  2. I second this. Nightmarenoob sounds like he got burn from it And is bittered.

    They also let you know who’s a creep (videos intimacy) and they help do intensive research for you about a dude.

  3. No yeah you’re completely right. I’ve been known to stay in these situations longer than I should because I get stuck on the could be’s and what if’s. I shouldn’t be sacrificing my peace and current well being over something so uncertain, especially since it is very new. It just sucks because he’s a person I could potentially see myself with but given the current situation we’re in it’s not really realistic and I think I should probably end it. Thank you for the advice 🙂

  4. You say you had no intention of messing her around, but you also said right at the start you wanted to pull out early.

    You clearly didn’t want to go and used work as an excuse. She’s definitely going to think you’re screwing her around and I doubt she’s going to give you another chance.

  5. My dude is about to have a weekly Easter egg hunt for his PS5 controllers and TV remotes. Better get that unlimited cell phone plan too since you won't know when you have wifi at home depending on who you talked to that week.

    I mean, I know what I'd do here.

  6. This sounds to me like more of a last straw thing rather than anything else on her end. Has she asked you not to talk about her romantic life before? I mean, that could be flirting what she did, she could also have just been goofing around with a friend, it’s not strictly romantic just silly. Has she said before that she doesn’t like this coworker like that? If she’s said she doesn’t but you keep insisting then she may be pulling back because of that

  7. thank you for your response. you mentioned another thing thats been running around my head. if this were to continue into a long term relationship, i would not be okay with my partner completely shutting me out in naked times. i really value vulnerability and communication, and my love language is caretaking so i feel like shit when im not allowed to show love to someone who needs it in the best way i know how. also, forgot to mention in the post, before he left he had told me to come over after he gets back so we could have a sleepover. i had a bag packed and i waited up for him to let me know when he landed but didnt even get a courtesy check-in. i am sad because i really like this person and think it could go the distance but stonewalling and the silent treatment is kind of a red flag for me. at this point, i expect the relationship to end. should i give him a few more days to see if he hits me up or should i just let him know straight up that this isnt gonna work for me? at the same time, i want to respect his pain and let him cope but… i dont like feeling like im at someones beck and call, idk how to express that to him.

  8. I genuinely don't think it's as black and white as everyone on reddit suggests. It's just dumb. Op clearly states that it's when they aren't together that they feel no connection, so in the very least stick it out until the trip, have a great time, and then break it off. I think if anything you should communicate more directly how important these problems are to you to have them fixed, as no one can know exactly how you're feeling or to what extent you're feeling them without being told.

  9. as soon as you start justifying a situation by saying what id its as good as it gets, thats your sign there IS something better! thats your cue to leave!

  10. I am the same as you I struggled with this with my partner but like they said give them time and patience. 🙂

  11. Well I'm just offering a different perspective, that it's not common everywhere, your experience is not universal. Not sure why it's so naked for people to understand that.


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