UPDATE: I(29 F) Found out My Husband(34M) is obsessed with our Boss’ daughter and I have no idea what I could do, or How I should proceed?

Update to: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/17r46je/i29_f_found_out_my_husband34m_is_obsessed_with/

So, I think this will be the only update. I saw a few people were asking for updates before too, but I honestly needed some time to myself too and wanted to see how things played out before making an update.

So, as I said in the last Edit and some of the comments, I ended up going to the boss' daughter. Showed her everything I had, and told her I had the laptop too, if she needed. I could tell it was a good bit for her to process initially, but she said she's used to stuff like this (Yeah, fuck this place honestly) and so, composed herself. Afterwards she asked if it would be fine for me to help her go through the screenshots and screen recordings and pics, since she'd rather not have to go into checking the details herself, and I agreed. We sat at a local food chain and basically wrote out a detailed HR report, like not a report to the HR, but a report from the HR, regarding that team. I went over the different aspects of the texts caught on the screen recording and the edited pics as well as the creepshots of her. She reassured me that I won't be facing any consequences for this and to leave talking to her father to her. She asked if I were to be called to the police station, if I would be willing to go and I said I would. She concluded that while in other areas this could have been used to better punish them, high chances are that this won't do much, other than maybe a few days worth of jail, but that she would still be going to the police, as this will be a good way to make sure if they ever even considered doing something, this could be used to screw them over. As for their jobs, she said she would keep them for a few days, while the filing and reports work it's way up then fire them on spot with no Reference or experience certificate, basically rendering any attempts of showing work experience in this company impossible, and should they try, future hirers will be sent the HR report we built. We concluded the meeting there, with her telling me to not worry and just not interact with them at work.

After that, I spoke to a Lawyer, showed him everything I had and while he took a small bit, said that things can be done relatively easily. Thing is, it's not like me or my husband have that much joint property or wealth, that there would be much of a dirty breakup financially. But from the looks of things, so far atleast, things seem to be going on my favor.

My husband did call a few times and texted to see if I would reconsider, but I blocked him more or less. Didn't want any part of his bs honestly. This is the part where the shitstorm I had mentioned started. Calls and messages from relatives, all with the purpose of letting me know that these things happen and that I shouldnt hold it against him. I talked to my mother, and found out that what he told her and a few other relatives, including his parents were, I got jealous cause he accidentally showed interest in the boss' daughter but never planned to act on it. This caused almost everyone but his mother to side with him, while his mother called me to apologize, saying she was ashamed of what her son had said. I had originally told my husband I wouldn't blow this out of proportion, but ended up telling my mother and his parents, the former who responded exactly as I thought she would. She told me it's not like he acted on it, and that this much is nothing to ruin a marriage over. This didn't surprise me since when one of my aunts got cheated on, she and her other sister had essentially taken the stance of "Just forgive it and ignore it, move on and don't bring it up, things will be happy" My mother and I had a huge back and forth where she brought up family reputation, embarrassment if family finds out what he did, embarrassment if I am a divorcee in my 30s (Yeah, that's a thing here sadly, and yeah, 29 is still reaching 30s). We ended the call on pretty bad terms, but it was expected. The family itself is more or less on the same stance, with only some choosing to stay away, and even now when I ended up sharing the exact reason with a few members, they responded "Let it go and fix the relationship" Or something akin to that.

The pleasant surprise came from telling his parents though, who took my side. After things blew up, his mother apologized to me, telling me she was ashamed of what her son did, while the father told me he will make sure my husband won't be causing any issues for me, in the divorce or in general. I was honestly expecting them to take his side like my family, so this was a welcome surprise.

Yesterday the team were called into the boss' office along with some police. I don't know what was said and done, but they were in there for a long time and by the time they all left, they just looked defeated, specially my husband. It seems she did exactly what she said she'd do, and fired them. I don't the the specifics of it, I don't necessarily intend to ask either.

As for me personally, it's been rough. It's easy to get angry when everything is happening, it's the moments when things are calm, that memories and feelings get the best of things. But I will be fine. I get to keep my job, which is huge imo. The whole thing with family isn't getting much better it seems, got a bit worse after the firing. I have my stuff and I have moved in with a friend, for a few days while I look for a smaller appartment. As for husband, I don't exactly know, but I assume he'll be moving in with his parents, who are pretty annoyed with him. The apartment we stayed in was something we both contributed to live! in, so without income, I can't see him maintaining it at all.

Honestly, this is probably it, I don't really see myself making any more updates to this. It's been a mess, but still, I want to thank everyone for the love and support. It really helped a lot. I haven't really thought out the response too well, might have missed parts of stuff, if I did, I'll try to answer anything I can. But other than that, this might be it.

submitted by /u/throwawayAccOnetime
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