My(f33) husband(26m) got ‘us’ a job painting houses on the side, they fired him, but kept me. Husband is pissed. What do I do?

So basically, my husband was able to get a job painting houses, and when the boss mentioned one day that he still needed one more person on the crew, my husband told him that I was willing to work. Cool, that's great. So I start working and immediately the boss is pleased with my work ethic. I grew up a tomboy and am used to doing this kind of work. My husband, has always been a pretty boy. Hates to get dirty, not very handy, it's whatever. So today the boss called me while we were getting ready to go to work and told me that he only needed one person today, I told him ok it's good, I'll stay home. He then said no, that he wants me there because he needs someone that knows what they're doing because he's not going to be there today, and that he's letting my husband go because he's just not cutting it (sidenote: my husband has effed up in someway everyday. Using wrong color paint, painting with primer, using two 5 gallon buckets of paint in one small room) So I hand the phone to my husband, they talk for 2 minutes and then he hangs up and all hell breaks loose. He got let go and it's my fault and he knew this would happen and how could I do this to him. What the hell do I do? We need the money. We are behind on bills.

submitted by /u/Lightbright0414
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