My husband (51M) is only interested in anal sex with me (34F)

My husband and I have been married for 8 years, together for 9. We met live and I moved here to marry him. I was a virgin and barely kissed a guy before we met. Since the beginning he was very into anal, and that’s the first thing we did (without telling me first). In a few short years it went from the preferred route to basically an only one, with me getting pregnant from s one single regular time in 2 years. Even in pregnancy it continued as an only way, and even tho I expressed my dissatisfaction about and him saying it would change it hasn’t. On top of just being anal, the sex is without kisses, words or caresses. This has slowly been taking a toll on me for years now and I have lost all interest in anything physical with him and take it as a chore. I still crave affection and attention. Any advice?

submitted by /u/International-Egg828
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