My husband (35M) is filing for divorce and wants me (35F) to keep his affair partner out of it
My husband had a long term affair with his childhood friend and when I confronted him, he told me he's moving out to be with her. We separated, he lives with her now, and he wants a divorce. In our country, adultery can be a reason for divorce but he wants me to leave his affair partner out of the divorce and is willing to negotiate the splitting of the assets and finances in my favour for agreeing to do this. I imagine he'll contest and fight over the finances/assets if I bring her name into it.
I'm not sure if it reflects poorly on me if I do bring up his affair in the proceedings? Also, despite everything that's happened, I still love him and I wonder if going for the easier option will be better for my mental health.
I just need some advice and thoughts from people who aren't going to be biased, so I'm posting here. People I know are naturally angry and can't give unbiased advice.
ETA: My lawyer thinks I should opt for the more generous settlement as it's better for the long term in her opinion.
Also wanted to add that he wants me to sign a non-disclosure agreement in return.
TLDR: My husband is filing for divorce and wants me to keep his affair partner out of it in exchange for a more generous settlement
submitted by /u/throwawayredditedhey
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