My fwb (M28) hit me in the face when I (F21) won in mariokart

We have been seeing each other since January. He has been really nice to me and I have enjoyed the time we spend together. Today I brought my Nintendo switch over to his place and we played mariokart for the first time together. We both love the game. We played 8 races and I won five of them and came 2nd place on three (I lost to a bot all three times). On maybe the third or fourth race when he lost by a lot he just took out his frustration on me and shoved my head into the wall behind the sofa and hit my face right below my eye. It wasn't that bad and I was completely fine like 20 seconds later. And I'm sure he didn't mean to do it that nude and he apologised a lot. But I was just wondering if you think that is a red flag?

Edit: Here is a comment I posted for some more context

It was the first time he showed any kind of aggression towards me. At least the kind that I didn't consent to. I know I can be a sore loser as well and I guess I don't want to hold that against him. It really wasn't that bad. It was the kind of playful shove I can imagine he would give to his friends. And I think he kind of missed with his other hand and hit my face instead. But idk, I still think it might be a red flag because that kind of carelessness is maybe a bit dangerous. I'm really not sure though.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_mariokart
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