My (26F) fiancé (28M) told me I wouldn’t be able to pull anyone else and I’m offended. How do I manage my emotions?

Me and my fiancé have been together for almost 5 years, engaged for 6 months. We’ve never had issues where one of us was mad for a long time until this, and he, my mom and friends think that I’m overreacting.

I had a dream some nights ago that I ended up dating a famous actor by accident. We’ve both had dreams where crazy things happened and told each other about it. I told him in the morning, and we laughed about it, however, he made a comment about how my dreams are always extremely delusional. I asked him to elaborate, thinking it would be something funny, and instead was met with a comment about how I wouldn’t be capable of pulling someone half as attractive as said actor, let alone him.

I was taken aback, and he doubled down and told me to be realistic, that most men wouldn’t even look my way because I look like I’m already taken and stopped looking interesting some time ago, and now even more with the engagement. I told him that I don’t want any men to look my way, but the implication of his words hurt me. He told me it was irrelevant because we’re together and I wouldn’t leave him, and to stop being offended over something I asked, and left. For the record, my weight, hair and general appearance have stayed the same, and I’m lowkey high maintenance, so this isn’t me letting go or something.

I called my mom for reassurance, and she agreed I was overreacting. I called my friends for the same purpose and was met with the same response. I feel very hurt because I love my fiancé and find him very attractive, and I know other people do. I am grateful that he chose to be with me, and that makes me value him even more. I thought he thought the same about me, but apparently he thinks I wouldn’t ever leave him because I can’t pull anybody? That somehow is making me feel like he doesn’t value me as I do. And worst of all, that I may be wrong for how I feel but can’t control it.

Am I overreacting? If so, how can I manage this so this doesn’t affect us long term? It’s been almost a week and he is still being short with me because “I look like I’m miserable about a petty thing.” I just want things to go back to normal.

ETA: The actor was Adam Driver, I’ve had a few DMs asking this. In case it is relevant.

ETA2: My closest friend group is a 4 girls group, where I’m the only one with a relationship/that has been in one. Another detail someone messaged me to include. I do have other friends, but I haven’t told them anything given the response I got from my closest circle.

Finally, I have a loooong history of being super sensitive. I’ve cried over minor things my whole life, which is why is not surprising for my closest ones to immediately call me out on it. I’m on therapy addressing that, my pushover nature and my self esteem issues.

Thank you to everyone that has commented and given me support and reassurance. I will be forcing him to talk to me today, to see if this is in any way salvageable or if I just lost half a decade of my life lol.

submitted by /u/veronikaandherself
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