My [26F] fiance [27M] just said I’m “replaceable”.

I met my now fiance 2 years ago and have been engaged for a year. Compared to my last boyfriend (who was abusive verbally and physically), he is generally a breat of fresh air. He's supportive and is very loving. He's the first person who ever truly loved me (my parents were abusive too).

Over the past few months though, we start to argue more. He wanted me to quit my job once we have kids so I can homeschool them. I'm not ready for kids and would want any future kids to be going to school. He got more upset with each arguement saying that I'm depriving him of Kids. I finally suggested that maybe we should take a week from each other to cool off, he just said that I can easily be replaced at any time and that I'm not special. I feel really hurt right now.

How do I get him to fix the issue and be apologetic for what he said?

Edit: Since the mods love to hide my comments, I'll update in that I read your comments. The issue is that he was amazing before and that's the real him I saw. He did seem to be depressed from work lately and I want him to get back to the old good self. It's not a case where's he's abusive as he wouldn't hit me. He did apologize for the replaceable comment

submitted by /u/throwrarwplaxe
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