My (18f) bf (20m) said it was good I had a miscarriage…

I (18f) and my bf (20m) recently started having sex. It’s been about a month since we started and we’ve been safe besides one time. One thing about me is that my cycle is always on time. I am never late and I never have bad periods. I was three days late but yesterday I thought I got it. The strange thing was that I was in so much pain, then I noticed huge blood clots. They started about the size of my fingers then progressed to larger. I went to the doctor and found out it was a miscarriage. I told him and he was like “ that’s good!”. I know I didn’t want this baby but that was an awful thing to say. This all happened yesterday. I just couldn’t he said that. Then I told him when I was in the shower I had a huge blood clot and it was painful. He asked me if I took a picture and uploaded it to Reddit… I yelled at him, calling him insensitive. I know I shouldn’t have yelled but I couldn’t believe he said that. I just sat in my car for a few hours. Was it wrong for me to grieve or start to grieve? Was it wrong what I said to him?

submitted by /u/Sunny_Flower1019
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