I’m [M35] uncomfortable with wife’s [F30] company party. Need advice please!

Need some advice, this has been eating me up inside and I don't know what to do. We’ve been together 11 years and married for 6.

So my wife's company is having some sort of kickoff company party later this month. Generally, if it's an event where alcohol will be served, the company pays for Uber to and from. Spouses are not usually allowed to the company party itself, but they usually do something after and spouses can come then. My wife has been with the company for less than a year, so this is the first of these company parties she'll be attending. Since they have employees all over the world, they've offered to pay for hotels for everyone. The party will be downtown of our city and we online about 30 minutes away in the suburbs. I mentioned to my wife that it's odd that they offer hotels for employees living in the same city but spouses are not allowed to the party, we both sort of brushed it off at that point.

Last week, we were talking about the party and she said she wanted to stay at the hotel. At this point, I said that I don't feel comfortable with that. She gets really defensive and basically acted like I was accusing her of being up to no good. Mind you, all I said was that I wasn't comfortable with it. She was so upset about it that she wouldn't even talk to me about alternatives like Ubering back home after the party or having me pick her up. I have since been afraid to bring it up again, but I am still very uncomfortable with the idea. I have only met a handful of her co-workers at other company outings since she is remote, and goes into the office to grab mail once a week. The main reason I am uncomfortable with the idea is that she mentioned there is this one male co-worker who has been texting her and asking when she is going into the office, I guess to try to bump into her when she goes in.

I've never EVER been the jealous or possessive type. I generally don't care if she goes out to hang out with friends or anything. I 100% trust her, it's really just the people I don't know, especially that one guy that makes this whole thing uncomfortable for me. She still plans to go, hasn't invited me to anything after the company party. The party is also on her birthday which is a weekday so we won't get to do anything before she goes to the party and I guess until the next day. That's another part that I'm a bit disappointed about.

How can I approach her about this and try to not have her feel like I am accusing her of something? I just don't know how to talk to her about it and it's literally eating me up inside. I can't focus on my work and it's affecting how I am acting around her because I feel like that's all I want to talk to her about but also want to avoid confrontation. Any advice would be helpful here, thanks.

TLDR; I’m uncomfortable with my wife staying at a hotel for her company party and I don’t know how to talk to her about.

submitted by /u/ocvl
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