I’m 45m wife 49f WTF

I’m 45M wife 49F WTF

I don’t know what to think……. This started on a trip a couple years ago. We were away, just the two of us, in a hotel and she says to me I wish I didn’t feel obligated to have to have sex. We didn’t all weekend. This after eluding to our upcoming alone time for more than a week, I had my hopes up. This happened a couple more time on trips since. Now she has said it to me several times at home. I love you but I really don’t want to have to have sex. We are married more than a couple decades. When we first married sex was fun and frequent. Then kids and work happened. I didn’t push nude. But now that the kids are much older and she is actually working less. Ive approached her several times about having sex more and got the cold shoulder. Once a week at this point would be great. If she wants it great. If I want it, she may but she will make sure I damn well know she not into it. We do all kinds of things together almost constantly, other than working together. We go out on dates. We seem to get along really well. We are both in decent shape and healthy. There aren’t health issues. I am so tired of feeling needed but not wanted. I swear I think she would be happy spending every evening after work side by side with our asses on the couch watching something for the rest of our lives. I am at a loss and losing hope….. I feel sick and hopeless just typing this. I am not liking where this is seeming to head. How should I move forward?

submitted by /u/Adorable_Olive5425
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