I (m25) have been on 7 dates with (f24) and she has tattooed my name. I feel a mixture of uncomfortable feelings and don’t know what to do.

We have been on 7 dates. She has tattooed my name. I am scared. What do I do?
I have been seeing a lady for about 1 month and 3 weeks now.
Last night she told me she had a surprise. She came to my house and as we were talking in my room, she pulled her dress up to her thigh and there it was. My name and surname with a heart.
I almost choked on my own saliva. She was so happy and excited to show me and I am freaked out right now. We are not even official or anything. What would you do?
I like her but I do not know her enough. Who in their right mind would do that?

submitted by /u/SEO403
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