Husband (44m) says I(43f)need to take ownership of my mistake (19 years married)

Husband says I need to take ownership of my mistake

What do I need to do? How do I fix this?

My husband has been out of town for work for a few days. I've been cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and doing some laundry as well as taking kids to high school sporting/club activities (it's Saturday). I've been home with the kids for about 1-1.5 hours when he gets home. The first thing he asks is why the house smells like shit. The three of who have been home don't smell anything. We all look confused. I say I don't know, but I'll check it out. I go outside a few minutes to clear my nosewhen I come back in, I still can't smell anything off. I tell I don't know, but I'll try and fix it.

I take out the kitchen trash. I open windows to air out the house. He's still going off on how he can't believe we don't smell anything and it's disgusting and stuff. I tell him I'm still trying to figure out, but I'll get it taken care of. He tells me that the friends he stayed with while out of town have pets (2 dogs, 2 cats, and som frogs)and their house never smells like shit.

I got mad because I am trying to do something about it and it's not like our house smells constantly like what he's smelling. So we got into a fight. He got mad at me for yelling and told me I had a ego problem because I got mad at him for basically telling me I suck at taking care of the house. He told me that I need to learn to take ownership of mistakes. I told him it wasnt fair of him to compare me to our friends and then tell me i had an ego problem when i got mad. He said I had to take the gruff when I made a mistake. And as the adult in the house it's my mistake if the house smells bad. And if I can't learn to take ownership of my mistakes and admit when I'm wrong, then our marriage might as well be over.

So, perspective please. Define mistake for me. I can't even. Do I need to apologize? What do I need to consider? How do I handle this?

Ps. Smell. The best guess I have is it was from the laundry, but I'm not certain. I was washing some bathroom towels and floor mats in very hot water with borax.

tl;dr: House smells bad. Husband says I need to take ownership for my mistake.

submitted by /u/Sparkleshamster
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