Husband (35M) found my (30F) “secret” bank account and now wants to split everything and I get no say

Hello all! I know the title sounds a bit confusing. My husband and I have been together for 8 years and married for 5. When we first got together I was terrible with money. But I made way more than him and was able to help make his life a lot better. He wasn’t even able to buy groceries before I got into the picture. He decided to take over all the finances years ago and combined them. Thing is, my name is not on any of the accounts that we “share” he has constantly said we would get a joint account but it never happened. There was only 1 debit card and he refused to pull cash out for me. So if I needed anything, I would have to go to him to get money. Finally our credit improved and we were able to get some credit cards. I use my credit card like a debit and we pay it off at the end of each month. I still ask before I buy anything to make sure I’m not over spending. I rarely ask for money for hobbies and when I did it was always, we don’t have the money for that. But we always find money for his hobbies and he’s always buying something. Which if we have the money I don’t care. About a year ago I got tired of never having access to my own actual money. He had told me to get my own bank account and so I finally did. I put a little in it each pay period to help pay for hobbies and holidays or little extra here and there. Before this he would always complain his presents for birthdays or Christmas always suck. I never spent enough, but how could I when he had control of all the money. Well today he found out about the account because of my own stupidity and he flipped. Saying I have to get my own cell phone plan, we will now start evenly splitting the bills and I can take over all my own stuff again. Which I am relieved because I want to Be in charge of all of my own stuff. But his reaction is what’s really bothering me. I know I shouldn’t have had the secret account. I know I should have told him. I’m at work and just a mess. Idk how to navigate this going forward?

Edit: I have successfully moved my direct deposit to my own account. And deleted all his accounts from the direct deposit.

Second edit: thank you so much to everyone. It’s sad that a bunch of internet strangers care more about me than I do about myself. There are a lot of reasons I’ve put up with this/just gone along is because he did have a very very rough childhood and has several TBIs (traumatic brain injuries). His thinking has always been different and we use to see eye to eye on things. This has been a long time coming though, and I think the straw that broke the camels back so to speak with my plans moving forward. Looking into lawyers and dreading getting off shift. I’ll give updates if they happen.

submitted by /u/Complex_Rip3130
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