How do I (f23) get my boyfriend (m25) to move out of my apartment

My bf’s lease ended and he didn’t have a place to go so I said he could move in with me until he finds a place. Now it’s almost 10 months living together and I’m frustrated that he stopped looking for housing. We never meant to live! together this long he just got comfortable having a live! in maid. I cook all the meals because I like cooking, and I find that I’m the only person who cleans. He works a lot but that’s no excuse not to do some kind of cleaning even just vacuuming without me having to ask would be nice.

I think moving is a big relationship step that he didn’t even want to take, he was just desperate. Now I feel as though I’m married at 23 to a distant terrible husband and it absolutely sucks. He’s not on my lease and it’s a tiny studio apartment.

I want my space back. My independence. I really just want to be alone again. I’ve asked him many times to look for housing but I haven’t seen him setup a single apartment tour. I send him links to contact every day. I ask him now every day “did you find something to tour?” And his response is he’s busy with work. However, he sleeps around 14 hours a day. This entire experience has made him very unattractive in my eyes. I’m desperate to have him move out asap. I need advice on how to get him out.

submitted by /u/Powerful-Ice-3779
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