Am I (24F) selfish, or is my (25m) boyfriend a selfish gift giver?

Edit: you guys are amazing! Thanks for the tough love. I’m definitely struggling to see his selfish behaviour because I value myself so little. Your comments all really opened my eyes ❤️?❤️‍?

So I did not notice this until my friends, family and his own sister pointed this out. my (24f) boyfriend (25m) have been together 7 years, but he only buys me gifts that we can both use, never just stuff for me.

For Valentine’s Day I bought him an art book of his favourite anime that I don’t watch. for me he took me out to a restaurant that he really likes. His sister was quick to point out “Oh here we go again where he’s taking you to his favourite restaurant so you can BOTH get a meal….he never buys YOU anything” and I have noticed it now. My gifts are always dinners at places he likes (I like them too, yes). My friends also laughed and went “ah yes, HIS favourite restaurant”

For Christmas he bought me a PC monitor, that he specifically said will be great for when I do graphic design…for his start-up company.

Last year he bought me a book I wanted, that he wanted to read too…and did read. And for my birthday one year he bought me a big figurine of a character we like…to put on OUR bookshelf. He liked it more than I did. He also bought me some light decorations to put on the walls…of our office…that he uses everyday.

Last year he also forgot my birthday and made up for it by taking me out to a bar that he thought looked cool.

Everyone has noticed that his gifts to me are something he gets value out of, whereas I always buy gifts that he likes and will use for himself like clothes, books, gift cards, hobbies he likes.

I also notice he tries to get me presents I don’t want. Last year he said to me “oh…I’ll buy you this cool game for your birthday! It can be your birthday present!! It’s so cool! You’ll enjoy it!” And it was a game he has been eyeing off for months.

Come to think of it I can’t remember a single gift he bought for me where he does not derive some benefit from it. He stopped buying me flowers and chocolates about 3 years ago. Some gifts are empty promises too. I said I’d love my hair dyed to look good for him, and that would be a nice gift I’d like. “He said sure pay for it and I’ll pay you back” never did. I asked again for Christmas and he said “why would I pay to get someone else’s hair done, girl it’s your hair..”

Is this a real thing or am I just greedy? Keep in mind I help him with college essays, drive him everywhere, take him to work every day, pick him up, help him run a company and support him. I’ve been told to dump him a lot but I genuinely love him.

submitted by /u/KieKio
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