BigAssMia on-line sex chats for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “BigAssMia on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yep. I finally got it out of him. People suck. Why leave it on purpose tho? She’s a friend of his visiting from another state for a week I don’t see the motive except being a jerk

  2. Honestly man, I'd leave, you may love her and that sucks, but you are already showing signs of dissatisfaction and whether you know it or not, resentment. If you two do have sex, it'll go on for a bit, and it'll be good but I assure you there is like an 85 percent chance it'll degrade into a sexless marriage, back to square one but now with a legal tie to the situation. You are still very young, you have a long life ahead of you on a planet with many other women, so find one who will be compatible with you, because I promise, this isn't it.

  3. I have three passports. I'm a full legal citizen of all three countries. It means everything from the simple convenience of going through the “citizens” line at the airport, to the possibility of needing assistance in that country and proving my status.

    If you think this is “shady,” you watch too many movies.

  4. You say he never warned you about something like this ahead of time – he never mentioned in the past 12 years that he did not agree with the homosexual lifestyle? Was he aware you were gay before your engagement?

  5. Hello /u/uwu_is_I,

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  6. You both need to go to therapy. Separately, and then maybe together. If he wants to leave you can’t act out in the way described above because that is manipulation. He may feel too scared to leave you now because he cares about you, but knows he doesn’t deserve to be abused. You need to take the initiative and go to therapy and then discuss things with him after talking to the therapist. If he does move, roommates are always an option.

  7. You have known for a year at least that you don't want to marry her so why are you just stringing her along? Because break ups are nude? How selfish are you?

  8. She is manipulative. You know what the correct response to you saying “i don't want to have sex today” is? It's either an “okay” or a suggestion of something else like “okay would you like to watch a movie and cuddle?”. A man saying no is completely fine, not everyone is always in the mood, whether man, woman or other. A partner who doesn't make you feel comfortable and safe is not a good partner. I have myself rejected a guy who got whiny and made stupid assumptions when i rejected sex. Not only is behaviour like that unattractive and it creates a problem where there shouldn't even be one, it also makes you feel like you're not really allowed to say no. In your case your girlfriend has already made you so uncomfortable around her that to protect your mental health in terms of anxiety you let yourself be coerced and manipulated into sex you don't want. Honestly I would not want to be in a relationship with someone like her.

  9. If your bf wanted you there he would make it happen.

    He’s dishonest. Calls it a guys night out when it’s obviously not. You’re suspicions were right about the girl and now he’s lying trying to get out of it.

    He seems like a shitty guy who doesn’t care about your feelings. I’d let him go.

  10. Usually a karma-farming post doesn't involve a throwaway account with the one, single post, like this one. Kinda defeats the purpose I would think.

    Some folks read outrageous or nonsensical stories and assume they're fake. Maybe it helps us to discount that there really are people out there in these vulnerable, unbelievable situations.

  11. You're way too immature to be in a relationship.

    Being in a relationship doesn't mean you suck it up – it means respecting each other and doing things you both enjoy together not forcing one to do what the other wants.

  12. OP if you take the next step and initiate the end of this relationship, be sure to get proof of the banality of your relationship so your wife cannot slander you post breakup

  13. You should just delete this then. No disrespect, but you don’t want to end the relationship over this, sooo…

  14. It sounds like you're dealing with a real tough situation here. No one should have to put up with constant yelling from their partner. That's just not cool, man.

    First off, you need to let your fiancée know how you feel. Be straight up with her and tell her that her yelling is not okay with you. It might be naked, but you gotta have that conversation, bro. You can't just sit there and take it.

    Now, I know what you're thinking, “But I've been told to bear through it!” Screw that noise, dude. You don't deserve to be treated like that. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    If she refuses to stop, you gotta consider whether this relationship is really worth it, man. It's not healthy for you to be constantly triggered and feeling like a little kid. That's no way to live, bro.

    In the meantime, try to find ways to cope with the yelling. Maybe go for a walk or listen to some calming music when it's happening. Just remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, bro. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  15. For me what would kill the relationship wouldn't be the fact that he wanted to revisit the idea of giving/getting blowjobs, but it would be the fact that he walked in the door and, right off the rip, started demanding them. It shows an incredible lack of respect for your opinion and boundary, as well as a sense of entitlement. That would seriously kill (or at least heavily injure) and feelings I had for him.

    Personally I would text back with this:

    “You are 32 years old and you are capable of making your own decisions; whether your friends convinced you that you should be getting them or not is irrelevant, YOU chose to come home demanding that I 'get over it' and give you BJ's despite the fact that you know damn well why I don't like giving them. You didn't even try to have a civil discussion about it with me, you came home demanding that I get over it and give you blowjobs as if you were entitled to them – as if I owed them to you just for the sake that we were dating.

    And yes, I did mean 'were' dating because, honestly, at this point I am more interested in finding someone who respects my boundaries and it is clear that you aren't capable of doing that if anyone so much as expresses a difference of opinion on whether they are or aren't needed, or disbelief at the fact that we're doing fine without them.

    So yeah, go ahead and find someone that is willing to give you a BJ so that you can satisfy your friends by getting them because I'm done.”

  16. Breakups are nude and lead to people really changing. Suddenly that guy you “love” turns into a manipulative asshole (idk, maybe he already was). I agree with the others that he's just manipulating you and controlling you. Keep the paper trail so you can prove they are yours if he is harassing you and tries stealing them in 6 months.

  17. Doesn’t need your consent to get a dog, you can feel how you feel but if she wants a dog she can get one. The “massive decision against my will” sounds a bit weird, it’s her dog, you’re not living together, you’re not ready to and your opinion whilst possibly valid, doesn’t equate to her requiring your consent not does that mean she shouldn’t get it if she really wants to just because her boyfriend who isn’t living with her hasn’t consented. She doesn’t need to say anything more about your opinion, she’s just not saying what you want her to say. She wanted a dog and she got it, doesn’t equate to being unstable and if you wanna think that then you can, she doesn’t need to agree with that

  18. He meant that my implication was absurd. He claims he finds me sexually attractive, but not as attractive as porn girls, I guess.

  19. I had my baby at 22 after trying for four years. But my hubs and I have been together since we were 16 and I had health problems.

    We started trying young once we knew we were in a good place because we were told our chances of having a surviving pregnancy was 1/1000. We lost a lot of babies but I’m glad we started that early.

    Though I will say, it is NO walk in the park and I had emergency heart surgery right after my babe was born. They don’t show you that in the baby commercials…


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