Bella-adams2 live sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Bella-adams2 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I knew I had to hang up my party boy suit by 30 because I had too much adult shit to do

    At 49 every guy around me that didnt do the same and went on into their 30's

    Is a fuckup or dead

    Let this guy go, he missed the adult platform when the stop came up a few years ago

  2. He's totally jealous and shaming you is by no means acceptable. You don't deserve that after all you've been through. You're still young, you'll find a better guy. Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't treat you right.

    He's not a man but a boy, a man would be grateful to have someone like you in his life and try to learn from you, not put you down.

  3. I’m sorry you’re going through this. The feelings you have are valid. This must cause you to feel like it has been a lie all the way through and the way you get dismissed in this thread is disgusting. Do you have close friends or family that could support you in this time? It would definitely feel easier to talk it through if you knew that you have options here and people who will stand up for you

  4. Always communicate, see if theres a way of fixing or working towards something. It’s also having the right amount of patience too. However don’t force yourself if you truly do not want to be with him.

  5. this is so true! i kept justifying my ex's behaviour cause i felt it was just cause he was going thru stuff and this isn't the real him. but it was. he was just getting comfortable showing it to me, knowing i won't leave him. well i did and he didn't take it well at all.

  6. Just break up with him. You'll be very sad at first but eventually you'll move on and find someone else you're genuinely happy with.

  7. This guy got you to his place, tried to have sex with you then only after you rejected him revealed that he's with someone else. Point being, he hasn't changed in all these years he had to mature into his chronological age ('cause if he's still doing this at 32 he's not bound to change). So be all the way pissed off, he deserves that. Stay completely away from him and let your anger be your guide so you never fall for his garbage again. It hurts to lose people but it can also be liberating to finally accept that someone just isn't worth your energy.

  8. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I struggle with knowing what is and isn't appropriate to mention sometimes (a mix of neurodivergency and my parents having weird boundaries growing up), and it always sends me into a mini spiral trying to work out if I should avoid saying anything, haha

  9. He was against it until you told him he’s getting YOUR money for basically doing nothing. I understand that you’re trying to share and have a great partnership, but has he come up with any ideas for how he can continue to contribute?

    This could end up being a slippery slope where you may find yourself one day covering all of the expenses for both of you, and he’ll just be happily mooching off you and being lazy while you’re putting in all the effort.

  10. Spare a ring for a poor fiance. Her fingers are so very cold with all the ice you're responsible for putting there so far.

  11. Eh, OP, I disagree (a little bit) with the response you replied to. It's okay to retake some pictures here and there, although I am a big fan of candid photos here and there. Sometimes a photo just has the wrong lighting or angle. Maybe someone blinked, etc. I think it's alright to retake that. There is of course, a middle ground. It doesn't need to be a full on photo shoot, unless that was the actual plan.

  12. INFO Is this his biological mother? Have you met her? How are their interactions? Are they such that his email and enclosed nudes would likely be received favorably by his mother? I just can't imagine any mother being okay with receiving a sexual come-on from their son, so I'm trying to ascertain why he would think it appropriate to send her such an email.

    But I will say, regardless of the answers to the above questions, I would end this relationship immediately, and I would also tell him why I'm ending it and encourage him to seek help.

  13. if he's routinely tearing or irritating the frenulum, something's not right. Maybe phimosis maybe something else.

    Either way he really needs to be seeing a doctor. Jumping to surgery is a stretch, but this absolutely is something that he needs to get checked out before it causes any long term issues.


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