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10 thoughts on “BARBIE-BROWN live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like the girl you're talking about may be going through some personal issues that are making it difficult for her to be as social and communicative as she used to be. While it's important to be understanding and supportive, it's also important to respect her boundaries and give her the space she needs. If she has said that she isn't in the mood to talk, it might be best to give her some time and wait until she is ready to communicate before reaching out again.

  2. Yes, everything happens more when you first start dating – the contact, the sex, the texting. The honeymoon period fades and things drop to a more manageable level. What do you text him about? I'm sure the conversations between him and his gamer friends are quite different than the conversations you have with him. You probably can't really compare the two.

    It sounds like he is satisfied with the lower level of texting the two of you have now. Its dropped to a level he is comfortable. Asking him to text more would only be forcing him to do something he doesnt feel he needs. Having said that, if he is not responding to reasonable questions or requests then I'd talk to him about that. If its just talk that he doesnt have to respond to, and he can talk to you when he gets home, you may have to accept that this is how he communicates.

  3. There is no “this time”. The relationship is over, done, finished, and ended. Anything else exits only in your mind. I hope he gets the restraining order very soon.

  4. Just spitballing here, but do you think that gf thought she was being taken somewhere for a proposal? She’s 30 they’ve been going out for three years and she wonders where the relationship is going. Maybe she thought they were going on some proposal adventure and then was so let down that it was facials and she couldn’t get it up to act grateful when she was disappointed. Like I said I’m just guessing here. We did none of that at my house. Or was she going to lunch with her work crush and couldn’t let him know that she was sidetracked? Something’s up with her reaction. I’m guessing it was a logical reaction to some situation that is unknown to OP.

  5. Well, the first thing that should happen here is that you stop giving him relationship benefits without being in a relationship. This almost always results in somebody not wanting to be in a relationship with the other person because why change things?

    The second thing is learning how to listen to your brain and not your heart. You keep calling him a friend but other men have ever called you at night time just because?

    And if you ever started dating somebody and got into a relationship would you yourself even be comfortable with this friendship that you have with him? I'm going to guess probably not because you know deep down inside that this is well past friendship and has just become someone who is indecisive and isn't closing the deal.

  6. And to be honest, while people here are saying it’s valid for your wife to leave over this, I think it’s kinda shitty. It’s not what she’s planned for herself, but how can she turn away a child who has no one?

    The child does not have no one. She has a grandmother and a father, as well as another adult relative willing to take her. And let’s be real, if we’re going to shit on any woman, let’s focus on the woman who actually abandoned her actual child.

    OP’s wife is the only person here who has no relation to the child. She knows she doesn’t want children and was responsible enough to have a major surgery to ensure that would never happen. Why would she be shitty for staying true to who she is and leaving a situation where she’d be forced into being an unwilling parent? Why should her quality of life mean nothing? Why should she be responsible for the fact that OP came in a rando and couldn’t be bothered to check what happened to his sperm? Why should she stay in a marriage that isn’t compatible anymore?

    Women are individuals who matter. They aren’t shitty for not taking on maternal roles they don’t wish to. This child is not without people who love her, obviously. Let’s stop being dishonest, and let’s let a woman make her family choices without shaming her. If you need to hate on irresponsible OP and his fling.

  7. Can you evacuate while he is gone? Is there someone you can stay with temporarily, while you figure out a more stable place to go?


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