Bandit & Adrienne the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Bandit & Adrienne, 29 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “Bandit & Adrienne the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Ask for more space now. That he mind your personal space and that he lets you close the distance. It's not acceptable to be being hurt all the time and he should want to make accommodations to care for your health.

  2. I’m concerned she is sabotaging improvements to your health due to her own insecurity. DO NOT let her scowl you into stopping.

  3. Hm I see personal thing aren't ok to share with bf, but are with “friend” . Seems legit. I also think her admitting that she has been sending and receiving messages that would make you upset us more than enough to get upset. While it diesn't seen like she is cheating it seens she breaching boundaries with very personal conversations. Potentially cheating emotionally on you. Its's your call of course, but I personally think openess is important in relationship. Secrets naturally breed insecurity. I think this is a big deal and sign of more things being hidden from you.

  4. My 24yo is very much the second one. I personally don’t care about country, am willing to move and am confident finding a job. I just have an issue asking others to adjust for my sake.

  5. She’s at the clinic with her son, and asked for him to be tested and physically checked. Kiddo has tested positive for pot + additional drugs, and also shows signs of SA.

    The husband has removed her access to their bank accounts and canceled her only credit card, and is physically threatening her if they don’t return home. Police at clinic trying to find her a shelter.

  6. Is it? I just think he doesn’t want to hurt her or blindside her at a public event that he also has a stake in (business partner)

  7. Is it? I just think he doesn’t want to hurt her or blindside her at a public event that he also has a stake in (business partner)

  8. Well yeah, the both of us can talk and share how we feel about it and share what we can do in the future.

    I didn’t see anything in your post that even hinted at empathy for what your wife experienced as the partner of an alcoholic.

    To be fair, my post was fairly short and just described last night. I made sure to include in the beginning that this isn't supposed to be negative post and to share that my wife is a good person. This is not meant to be an angry post because I am not angry at her (just so everyone knows). I understand where she was coming from but I wish she went about it in a different way. It's fine, some commenters gave some really good suggestions about what we can do in the future and I'm looking forward to discussing it with my wife.

  9. We are working through it. I am realizing where I need to change for myself because if I can't love myself, no one can love me.

  10. Citation needed and you provide a link to…wikipedia

    Are you new to the internet? Wikipedia provides citations. That section alone has like 40.

    no where does it say this never happens

    ok, it happens. how often? to whom? in what actual situations? does it, as a matter of course, involve friendly overseas restaurant encounters rapidly turning into horror movies, or are we all panicking over something that almost never happens?

    you truly think random tourists are vanishing off the face of the earth in anything approaching concerning numbers such that OP was in real danger of being sold into slavery? you think people interested in slave labor are plucking relatively wealthy Western travelers off the streets and tossing them into vans?

  11. I had to reread because I thought ok she’s young so give her a break on this idiotic idea.. then I look and you are the older of the 2. Girl you are an adult sounding like a teenager… that’s so immature.. if you don’t want to associate with him stay away from places and people he is around.. you said you’ve tried everything else but I don’t see that he’s doing anything to you.. grow up and move on..

  12. I understand people not wanting to divide costs based in equity before marriage, but at a certain point it's outrageously unfair. ….And you are lightyears beyond that point.

    Ignoring the issue of his wanting you to split everything 50/50 when he makes nearly ONE HUNDRED TIMES more than you do. You CAN NOT AFFORD this arrangement. He's not trying to adjust his living standards so they're affordable for you, he's trying to force you to subsidize his lifestyle. 1.5k a month on rent when you make 2.5k total?! ABSOLUTELY NOT!

    And then when it comes to sharing grocery costs he's pinny pinching to such an extreme that he's making a fuss IN ADVANCE to ensure he doesn't end up paying for half a box of tampons?

    Girl, RUN!!!!!

  13. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    A while back, my boyfriend opened his Instagram in front of me and his algorithm was full of reels and pics of naked women. I asked him if he could clean that up since at that point we were getting more serious and it kind of felt disrespectful. Based on what he told me, he unfollowed some accounts and there isn’t nearly as much of that content on his feed.

    Fast forward months later to now, he & I were lying next to each other and scrolling through our phones when he received a notification from his boys group chat. One of his friends sent a hot picture of a girl. I asked him to scroll up and it was more pictures and videos of sexual content and almost entirely naked women.

    This made me extremely uncomfortable, and I didn’t say anything in the moment because I was shocked. I’m not sure if this is normal behavior for men, but regardless, it made me feel really insecure. How should I confront this issue? Or is it even worth my time mentioning it?

  14. Ok I’ll clarify. You’re a 36 y o who still rents a room and has never had any career aspirations. You’re in arrested development, so of course you’re attracted to someone who’s just been legally allowed to drink. You’re right, y’all are the same age emotionally/mentally. That’s not right you should be 14 years wiser than you’re being right now and someone with this much baggage at this age should not be attractive to you. This girl is so impressionable that she’s already in a manipulative relationship, you think you’re that much better? You’re seriously thinking of torpedoing her life when you have no way to provide for her and her child. I’m not saying anyone deserves being in an abusive relationship, but she’s flirting with her coworker, of course her partner is going to have strict boundaries because she’s more than willing to stomp all over them even if it means making her child and her effectively homeless.

  15. Yea for me too lol, she doesn't classify it as “cheating ” or stepping out of bounds. Her view of the world is so.. singular.


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