ASHLEY ROUS is horny!just look at this sight

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42 thoughts on “ASHLEY ROUS is horny!just look at this sight

  1. You don’t. This is the literal price you pay for being a grown ass man dating a 23 year old.

  2. Have you seen the evidence of this savings? Bank statements, online account balance, etc? I assume you’re not taking his word for it.

    You absolutely should postpone a marriage until you are crystal clear on financial priorities. You have years of fertility left so that’s no reason to rush now and end up being linked forever while co-parenting children of divorce.

    Being on the hook for your partner’s financial decisions is the most significant part of the legal transaction that is marriage. Don’t move forward because “he wants to”, move forward because you are sure you can have overlapping goals and agree on the methods to achieve those goals.

  3. You spend as much time with your mom as you possibly can and 'an amazing guy' would expect nothing less and would do everything in his power to facilitate that. A long distance relationship for a very short time is soooo not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, especially when the 'big picture' is that your mom will be gone very soon and you'll have the rest of your life with this guy if he truly is the one.

    The right guy will not pressure you to pick him at a time like this. He will support you and do whatever it is you need to be able to make your mom the priority for the time that she has left. That's what a truly caring and selfless individual would do.

  4. How do you confuse a toddler in bed under covers for presumably an adult woman. Unless she suspects you got a thing for infants and toddlers.

    You need to call the police and have her arrested then start the divorce process.

  5. what can you do is to ask your gf to clean together with you.

    of course you are free to leave if you no longer want to deal with it your whole life.

  6. The abuse is only going to get worse. The starting point is with an attorney. The first visit is usually free. Do not discuss this with husband. Just serve him with papers when you are ready. Make sure that you get half of all assets. It would be helpful if you could orchestrate debt reduction before he is aware of your intent. Consider selling the house as part of the plan to split assets. You may want to keep it, but it is too large for one person. A nice condo in an area populated by people who would fit into your social circle would be better for you. Do it now. The next step in abusive behavior is physical harm. You deserve to be happy and you're not.

  7. I really was just doing everything to fit in at university, I didn’t have any friends who went to the same university as me and I was very lonely for the first few months there. I ended up joining a club in the spring and the girls from it were my only friends but I always felt like I wasn’t really considered one of them.

  8. Therapy helped me with this. Find comfort in the reality that he chooses to be with you every day.

    Most importantly, learn to love yourself so you don't have to rely on outside validation. Take a few minutes every day to thank your body for all it does for you! Thank your skin when it's clear, your organs for functioning, your legs for carrying you, your arms for lifting and holding, your torso for holding you steady. When you can reprogram your self-loathing with self-gratitude, you'll see real changes in your fight against body dysmorphia ❤️

  9. You need to break up and perhaps seek some therapy for your toxic tendencies. The relationship won’t be the same again as you’ve cheated.

  10. Don't bother having any conversation, it'll be a waste of time.

    You're dating a compulsive liar. He's tried to impress you with how rich he is & been found out.

    It would be naive to think that money is the only thing he's capable of lying about.

    It's basically impossible to maintain a relationship with someone that you can't trust.

    Dump this guy & find someone who you can actually trust.

  11. down Craigslist rabbit holes

    but she should trust me

    I have some serious doubts.

    Also you're giving your friends your bias side of the story which is probably turning them against your wife, and you're contemplating divorce in your notes app. She probably has a feeling something is up.

  12. He’s none of these things.. he has honestly provided me with the bare minimum. I don’t know why I fight for his approval so desperately.

  13. Right? Like if one of my friends met a guy and got engaged 7 months later, I can’t say I’d be jumping for joy either. I’d be worried, lol

  14. nb. I'm sorry if you feel my comment is harsh. I'm just struggling to empathise with you when you supposedly loved and cared for your girlfriend for around 3 years and you can't wait 15/20 days to break up with her.

    Also, if you were not interested in your relationship for the last few months I wonder why you didn't end it then? It seems that now someone new and shiny has caught your eye you're in a race to end your relationship and be with this new person.

    You should end relationships because they aren't working, you shouldn't stay in them until you meet someone new and because of this I don't believe that immediately after breaking up with her that you wouldn't be parading a new relationship around town or on social media like days after ending a 3 year long relationship. If you cannot afford to give your girlfriend, (who, not long ago you loved and respected) any love and respect to wait more than 15 days before pursuing something else then I don't really have much respect for you and I think you are playing fast and loose with people's emotions.

    If it wasn't working for you months ago, then you should have ended it before you even met someone new.

  15. I’m sorry that this is happening to you, I understand that you want her to change, but you cannot change her. Even if you ask her to change this behavior for you and she does, it won’t be a lasting change. I really wished I had better news, but you need to go to a divorce lawyer and secure your finances and your kid’s future safety. She will one day hit him too. It’s not a maybe, she expresses her anger through violence, anger has not reins.

    She is verbally and physically abusing you and she WILL do the same to your kid. In a relationship, both men and women deserve to feel safe at home, and to feel loved and appreciated. If my husband gets a cut or burn while cooking I bet it hurts the same as if I get a cut or a burn and I would rush to help him the same way he would if I was injured. That doesn’t make him any less manly, makes him human.

  16. I appreciate your words! As a child, my father always pressured us kids to give our all. I have this obsessive need to be successful, and I have so many dreams that I want to accomplish. So seeing my husband be so successful in his passion can sometimes make me feel inadequate, like I’m not doing enough— not necessarily that I want what he has or his talent, but that I just don’t measure up, and I need to be doing more. I know this is stupid. And I’m still really young and have time to grow if I really try.

  17. Normally I am not the one to advise a breakup whenever there’s a little turmoil but girl this really isn’t ok. Ditch his fucking ass. He did this multiple times whenever you’re not around. He won’t stop. And maybe one day he’ll even go through with it and actually cheat on you.

  18. 100% of the time with these posts I think…are you any good in bed, buddy?

    The answer here is clearly no.

  19. I was taking your description of OP's partner's mother as her being, well, let's just say overly agreeable, so I don't think I meant quite what you took from my comment, but that's OK – I guess I wasn't clear. I'm not following your example, though. I'm thinking that if your and your partner's interests are in alignment, there's no need for compromise; if your interests don't align, that's when the need for compromise comes into play – if you're both Bulls fans, would there be any question as to whether to watch the game? But if you're a hockey fan and she's a fan of dressage, I'm thinking that's when you actually need some compromise about what actually gets on the TV that afternoon.

  20. I think i am the one in the wrong here after i think through the whole night. Due to my increasing anxiety, i keep wanting to talk about the same things all over again and i am driving him insane of this behavior. I think i have to always exercise outside everyday to lower my anxiety. It’s just that I don’t have a good judgement to think about my problem objectively. I don’t know how to explain it better, it’s like I don’t have a compass what is right and what is wrong. I always have a debate in my head when i think of something, it’s as if there are many different opinions that i have in my head. When i have problems, i don’t even know that it’s my problem.

    He focuses his eyes on me like an eagle and he wonders why i did what i did due to him being caring, and i am not used to get much attention like that so i think of it as criticism. The thing is when i am with someone, i tend to lose myself, i lose my routines, i keep thinking about the person, i become like a child, too attached to the person and lose my identity. I don’t do what i usually do, i become like the person i like. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. I got a pdf book from a friend about CBT therapy and i am going to read it before i destroy my life. I need to straighten my thought process. My anxiety gives me horrible thoughts and move. I am sorry that i rant too much.

  21. Did you make sure to tell him how “mature for his age” he is when you started dating a man in his very early 20s when you were 30?

  22. Congrats! That’s a huge accomplishment. What’s your area of specialization and can you share the title of your thesis?

    Also your bf kind of sounds not very empathetic or supportive.

  23. I honestly have the same issue, I just don't like being told what to do in general. Ask him to 'sugarcoat' it for you. Instead of “take out the trash” it's “honey, would you please take out the trash?” and so on. A little bit of tone, body language, and most importantly, word choice for delivery, puts a little sugar on top and takes the sting out of being 'commanded' all the time. (I used to think I was alone in this trigger but recently found I'm not.) Just ask: “Am I intruding? Would y'all prefer some alone time?” – Grown adult communication for the win. Just cut to the point. Gently. (Do some of your own sugarcoating, lol.) Can't help you there. Ask your sponsor. Or his. Assuming y'all do the AA thing.


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