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53 thoughts on “Ariannamiller live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. More likely, she'll just go step out and pick up randos to have flings with until she catches feeling for one of them, then ditch OP when she has a new crash pad. Once that sweet sweet new relationship energy subsides, wash, rinse, repeat.

    If she was really into poly RELATIONSHIPS, she would balue communication and her partner's feelings. She's not, she just wants an excuse to bump some strange without risking her lifestyle.

  2. It's not that creepy. If he took them and smelled them at night that would be a little creepy, but the guy said he thought about taking them and didn't. Do essentially he did nothing. You're coming down on him for a thought he had. Please break up with him.

  3. What if your husband told you that in high school he grabbed a pair of girls underwear? I know you wouldn’t like that.

  4. Unfortunately, the issue here isn't about any specific act. The issue here, is that he does care about you enough to place value in making you feel loved in that way. You love and care for him, so you want to make him feel happy, so you offer him oral etc. He doesn't feel the same way about you. Now, it may just be an issue of communication and how different people show their love. He may be doing other things for you each day, and that's how he thinks he's showing you he loves you (like, packing your lunch for work, or de-icing your car, it doesn't have to be sex stuff). You may just need to have a very open and honest chat with him, to both readjust your expectations and so you both are aware of what you each desire and enjoy together, and things you can both do to show your love in your different ways.

    The other possibility, is that he knows you want oral, he knows you so these things for him, but he doesn't care enough about you to bother doing anything in return. That is not a good situation to be in. In that situation, the open conversation I suggested above won't be any use. Things can only improve if he is willing to be more aware of your needs and why you feel that way

    If nothing improves, then leaving is your best choice. Date someone who treats you the way you treat them. With equal love and care about their wellbeing

  5. People are kind of raking you over the coals a bit here so I'm going to ignore all that and cut straight to the advice. You've enjoyed getting to know your son and want to continue to do so. You're not great at expressing yourself or your emotions, especially when you're put on the spot. So, be honest with yourself, write down the things you'd like to tell him (and be careful with your language, think about how things could be potentially misinterpreted like the abortion vs adoption issue) and either send that to him as a text or tell him you want to talk and deliver it as a speech. Apologize and say you're not great at expressing yourself but you're happy that he's here and you have a chance to get to know him. I think that's all he wants to hear.

  6. Take more of his money and donate it to as he so eloquently put it “the alphabet mafia” then block him and never speak to him again. He sucks. Stop letting him control your emotions and gaslight you among other things, you deserve better.

  7. “compare it to cheating” – It is cheating. Unless this bi woman doesn't believe in every homosexual relationship in the world and thinks gay people are all virgins then she is full of it.

  8. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    This is a throwaway account. My boyfriend is really financially irresponsible and has a lot of debt he didn’t tell me about. Apparently 3 weeks ago he had collectors coming after him and he panicked. He took my cash savings thinking he could pay me back before I noticed it was gone. He didn’t even tell me. I found out because I checked it. I also paid his rent one month because he couldn’t. Now, I’m out $700. My family and friends all tell me that I need to break up with him. But I don’t know if I can. He’s been texting and calling me desperately apologizing. I don’t know what to do.

  9. You guys should have never started the grandma thing when you weren't even the kids step dad, but theres nothing to be done about that now. Just learn from it for future.

    By your Mum keeping contact, that is a connection to you and your life. Not only is that potentially giving your ex hope, but it makes life difficult for you. A) it's a constant reminder b) even though it's not been done with malice, it always feels kind of disloyal when your family member talks to an ex.

    I'm 100% on your side but I do understand your poor Mum's view. She has a big heart and got attached to a kid and it's very hot to let go. However, she needs to and it's going to happen one way or another. When your ex gets a new partner your Mum will be cast aside. Either because ex or the new partner don't want reminders of you in their relationship.

    Maybe bring that last point up to your Mum. It'll be harder for her to be pushed away or cut off than it will be for her to make the choice now. Also, if they're meeting in person it'll be much harder for the kid to lose her the longer she's been in it's life.

  10. It's really simple….do you like disrespect?

    If so, fucking GREAT! You're with the right guy!

    If not…then its time to find someone better, and better for you.

  11. Just ask her why she chose that color. You need to know for yourself where her mind is at before you deep rooted into this family. If she is obsessed with her son and he’s a mama’s boy then you will have a miserable marriage in the long run.

  12. The ex needs to go to a lawyer to know this stuff. Sometimes just the idea of back child support will be enough to make a shit father stop bothering her.

  13. So he originally was supportive either way and now suddenly has a change of heart? Sounds like he was talking to mommy again.

    Do what you want about your baby but get rid of the man, OP. You're in a throuple with him and his mom.

  14. You were stupid for suggesting this, but I think the real asshat is your husband. Despite your initial stupid request, the moment you had second thoughts he should have stopped. Your husband is crap, sorry to tell you.

  15. How else am i supposed to go bout im not finna get kn my knees an beg for sum head. An I get being tired but girl your not tired every day for the past couple months you jus don’t wan do it

  16. Some people’s love language is literally asking people to do things for them. I personally wouldn’t be dating one of them, but that’s a matter of preference I guess.

  17. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Me and her have been through a lot in the short 6 months we've been together. We've broken up a few times and gotten back together a lot. The most recent breakup was because I walked in on her and her ex (Tom) at her house, when she had told me that she was just doing homework. After all that, I talked things through with her and we ended up back together. Honestly, the past few weeks have been really good between us. She's been more attentive and loving towards me, listened to me more, we've been on a lot of nice dates.

    Recently she asked me if I could move in with her (check my post history for the full story), and I basically declined. Well just this week it turns out that her mortgage increased by a few hundred dollars and now she's been stressing about finding a new place to live. She asked me to break my lease and move in with her, but I told her I couldn't because of how expensive it would be to break. She then told me that she was gonna ask someone else if she could move in with them, I said sure go for it.

    Well today, I get home from work and call her. I ask her how she's doing and she says she's been stressed about everything, which is understandable. I asked what she did today. She tells me that she went to lunch with Tom (her ex) to talk about moving in with him since he has a room. After she tells me this I kind of go quiet and tell her I need a few minutes, then hang up. My head was kinda spinning, it just felt like I was going to be sick. I called her back and asked her if she saw anything wrong with what she did, and she said “no? we talked about this last night, I told you I was gonna ask someone else” and I didn't really know what to say. She said that she couldn't believe that I was upset with her because she did nothing wrong. She then told me “okay fine, I can't take this anymore, you always make me feel like I did something wrong and I can't handle it right now. goodbye” and then she hung up the phone.

    About an hour later she texted me “Sorry I upset you but I can't deal with you right now on top of my living situation. Have a nice life”. I haven't responded to it but I really am trying to think of what to say. I don't even know if I'm being unreasonable for being bothered by what she did. I feel like I'm going crazy. What is the best way to respond to her?

  18. No, she set an ultimatum which is toxic for relationships.She could make it work with the job situation but chooses not to.

  19. That sounds like such an easy thing to change with simple communication. “Honey, I love you and I appreciate you trying to make the next weeks easier on me but I don't want you to feel like you can't speak with me because I'm busy. You can still tell me about your day.”

  20. Girl! RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE!!! You guy must be absolutely screaming at you.

    I'm going to suggest – strongly – to at very least postpone your wedding, and do a LOT of digging, starting with contacting that girl.

    Also, please listen to podcast Something was Wrong especially season one.

    Red, red flags…. Especially the part where you have a very good income and he hasn't Guaranteed this guy is spinning all sorts of lies.

    My heart is pounding out of my chest reading your post.

  21. Dudes cry from frustration. The best thing you can do is be resolute and not take him back if he's there because he regrets the decision.

    He's also a dumb dude so if you wanna care for him tell him to shut up and take your affection for the time being.

  22. never bothered him before

    Well, that is clearly a lie. The only reason he would be able to be convinced so easily in this case is if there's some underlying feelings there. That or there's a bit of lack of trust. You guys are all adults. With the context provided so far, they are acting like children.

    Nothing you've said so far seems odd. Again, with this context it seems like contact can still be made as you said you'd be open to giving him her number and letting him decide.

    What you need to do here, quite frankly is let your boyfriend know you are disappointed in him. If he had an issue before with your friendship he should've talked to you about it rather than pretend there wasn't one. Otherwise why would he let her convince him so easily of something so ridiculous.

  23. she confessed to me that two years ago at the beginning of our relationship she was given a drink with Xanax in it

    This is bullshit. Xanax isn't water soluble.

  24. I understand that you are hurt & upset, and you are entitled to feel however you feel.

    But honestly, I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill here, and if you push this with him, you are going to do more harm than good to the relationship.

    It sounds like he was simply venting to get things off his chest as a way to work out if they were valid issues that he needed to address with you. Sometimes in the heat of the moment problems can seem massive, but once that moment passes, you realise that you over reacted & whatever it was means nothing. So you let it go. It’s likely that is what he is doing.

  25. Giving the silent treatment is a form of manipulation and is completely unacceptable for a 39 year old man. Seems like you’ve dealt with this behavior plenty of times for you to be jaded by it. Do yourself a favor and really ask yourself if you deserve the blatant lack of respect and communication. I was with a man who was extremely defensive, moody, and unpredictable. It made me so anxious for so long, that I got shingles at 24 from the stress. Please put yourself first.

  26. One of my exes got upset about me not taking time off work for every event she wanted to attend. Then she also got mad when I took time off work but then had to cut back on spending due to missing work.

    I didn't deal with that for long, I doubt this guy will either. It sounds to me like you're making a big deal out of nothing. Celebrate on a different day, he doesn't work 24/7/365.

  27. Your body is going to change after 6 years. That’s a fact. If he can’t handle the idea of you changing (shape, size, you name it) then he needs a reality check. Women are human beings, human beings will grow and look different throughout their lives.

    I’m proud of you for your health journey. Don’t let him put a damper on it.

  28. Then he needs to go back to therapy. You don't need to have your past repeatedly discussed. This one “hang up” can drag you down.

  29. Having a new place for both of us would sure help to make it even. We are considering buying her father's house, but maybe its not the best idea, I'll have to think more about the ups and downs. What I understand is to have somewhere inside you can be alone and to plan individual time. As I said, we do a lot together, individual time at least once a week seems fair. + communication in general of course.

    Thank you for your response!

  30. Having a new place for both of us would sure help to make it even. We are considering buying her father's house, but maybe its not the best idea, I'll have to think more about the ups and downs. What I understand is to have somewhere inside you can be alone and to plan individual time. As I said, we do a lot together, individual time at least once a week seems fair. + communication in general of course.

    Thank you for your response!

  31. Obviously you were wrong by pushing her boundaries. But in no way did you SA'ed her. Or did the term changed definition over night?

  32. You will get gold weight for the ring, not the diamond. Sounds like there is no pleasing her. May want to re-evaluate

  33. It would be against the law for any healthcare worker to tell you when she was last in the clinic.

    If you last had sex in say mid January, her gestational age right now would be around 15 weeks pregnant.

  34. Thank you. We had a long discussion. I decided that I am not going to do anything, it's going to her decision about what she wants to do. We'll hang out, explore new places. That was the most fun thing we used to do anyways. Avoiding any drama is the best route I suppose

  35. I just didn’t wanna go up to him and be like “hey i’m breaking up with you because you smell bad”. i just felt like that would be really mean. I wanted a reason to breakup with him that wouldn’t make me feel like I’m a bad person

  36. You are correct. Did you know that virtually all problems are a result of age gaps? I have yet to see a post on any of these subs where people of similar ages have big issues. I just wish more people would listen to experts like me and you. People like us may not have a lot of dating experience, but we know what we are talking about!

  37. I guess a bit of hope she doesn’t go, a bit of burying my head under the sand and also I just enjoy spending time with her and likewise for her

  38. I'm using Google translator since I don't speak English

    Well I'm going to be real, what are you doing and simply cheating on him, nothing but nothing less, cheating is unforgivable. If I were him, I would never look him in the face, and I would be disgusted with you,

    That's why I'm going to give you advice, talk and flirting is one thing and something completely different, if you continue with it, soon this flirting will turn into desire, then I don't even need to say that it will happen.

    Stop doing this, why be him I found out that you are flirting with other people God for you and your relationship, why betrayal is not forgiven in heaven or on earth

    Being the one flirting with the crowd ends the relationship, simple as that, and there is no excuse for what you are doing.

  39. I’m this way (f) and my fiancé loves it. He’s the first person it ever happened with though.

    I was in an abusive relationship in the past and honestly have felt alone for most of my life. He’s the first person to truly make me feel like I’m not alone anymore.

    He probably really truly loves the hell out of you. Lol

  40. Honest conversation time with her. What does she consider about this other “friend”. What do you both want out of this relationship? Does the “friend” consider them just friends, or more? What are the “friends” intentions? Would she mind if you contacted the friend, to ask what he wants with who you're dating?

    “Hi, I think we have a mutual friend. Are you serious with her, or are you happy with how things are going? Are you serious and want more with her? I'm somewhat serious with her.. I've seen her with you on her social media posts. I was just wondering what your status and thoughts were in the matter?”


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