AriannaHayes live! sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “AriannaHayes live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Compromises are important, but it's not just that you are right – if everything is a compromise, then that's more work than a relationship should require – but there's also something else: The different types of compromises.

    A good compromise is one you are happy with. One where you say “Yup, that works for me!” and don't think “Well, I guess it's something, but I'm definitely not happy.” If all the compromises in the relationship are bad compromises, which leave you unhappy and unfulfilled because your needs are only half-met, then compromises aren't a good thing. They are just long, drawn-out pain then.

  2. being supportive and “fixing” someone are 2 completely different things. OP should have been supportive by going to SO's house, being gentle, asking what OP could do to help SO. We have no idea if OP did any of that. OP didn't say he did, so i'm going to assume that OP didn't bother going over to ask what he could do.

    I do NOT think that OP could do anything to “fix” SO. SO's issues go too deep, if they aren't able/willing to share their issues with OP, then OP isn't trusted enough by SO. SO needs help that OP can't give.

    I never once said OP needed to “fix” SO. I never said SO was sitting in the house waiting for OP to rescue them. I'm not sure where you got that from.

    I said OP was selfish for demanding, repeatedly that SO gives OP what he wants (an explanation, attention, love, whatever) and OP did NOT in anyway give back the same support to SO.

    As OP wrote the post, OP didn't give any indication that he reached out to help in even the smallest way. OP wants all, but can't even just go over to the house and sit with OP for a second to ask if she is alright?

  3. Please don't twist my words into a pity party. I never said you should isolate yourself from the world. It's just not the time to deep dive in new relationships/friendships. Get your social cup filled at work or school, talk about the little things, show interest in the people around you and in time, new relationships can blossom. But in the mean time; work on your first and foremost getting a healthy relationship with yourself

  4. Yeah if my Girlfriend/wife was out until 3am that wouldn't fly with me unless I was with her. Now going out and being home at a decent time is totally ok. The main issue here is that he doesn't want to get out of the house. That's a huge issue. People have to enjoy life outside of your place of living and being with friends. Staying in is lame sounds like you need to have a talk and both of yall need to compromise mostly him.

  5. You are asking of 2$ for each! Come on. How much time do you spend on one? And he get miffed? Maybe he should try to ask someone else and see if he can get it cheaper.

    Just because you are his gf, you shouldn't to your art for free. To do one or two little things okay, but he got used to it and he doesn't see how much work is behind it, so asking for money was the right way. He behaved as if you asked for the normal price but 20 bucks? I would have give you more without asking.

  6. So when I condense most of this down, it appears to me that “stuff happens” and I’m essentially being inflexible, despite the facts presented in the body of the post.

    I get that everyone places different degrees of importance on different holidays/dates/etc. Maybe to some of you, a two year anniversary for being together isn’t super important, maybe to some of you it is.

    The reason I’m so upset has nothing to do with her going on a cruise with her mom. I wish I could’ve done something like that with my parents.

    The problem is that for someone who places high value in a holiday like thanksgiving where there is an implicit expectation that we will be together, to then turn around and agree to a trip that runs through our anniversary (where there is an obvious explicit expectation that we will celebrate) and not even try to be flexible despite me being communicative about how I feel about that, in a way, seems like a double standard.

    Maybe we both need to grow up. Maybe I should drop it and celebrate when she gets back. Those aren’t horrible suggestions. But the hurt and disappointment is very real; the concept that there was plenty of time to at least try to rearrange the dates. It shows a lack of initiative, and considering she forgot when the anniversary is, it shows a overwhelming lack of attention.

    I’ll take my downvotes, but I came here to seek advice. I, like anyone, shouldn’t have to settle for less on things that are important to me.

  7. You don’t forget to get the correct amount of tickets. Most websites even ask you to review the order and ask “are you sure” at the end. Your partner is a bullshitter.

  8. Contact the company today & cancel the subscription for the year. Just do it. He gets no say bc… HE did not pay for it.

    Contact the credit card company and request new card/number today (in case he had it & possibly use it again).

    Throw that man out… he’s trash ?


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