Anne-Thomson online sex cams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “Anne-Thomson online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Unfortunately if you have a major incompatibility then move isn’t enough, there are so many things that can make you incompatible, sex, distance, timing, political views, there are so many things, if you’re incompatible love will not be enough, even when you want it to be.

  2. So true? tbh, her friendship has affected me a lot , and when her sister send me snaps of her dad, my friend or anything general . I just thinking all memories we had, it’s just so annoying

  3. Don't start by showing him the screengrabs. That just looks like you're attacking him. Don't even mention the screengrabs unless he really denies it. And if he tries to turn it around on him, personally, I'd just look sad, stand up, and walk away.


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