AmberClarkn live! webcams for YOU!

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27 thoughts on “AmberClarkn live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I’m so sorry. You sound like a wonderful loving partner to her and person in general. You cannot change the path someone else wants to take or the feelings they need to work through. As heartbreaking as it is, when you are ready you will have to let go. Don’t let this experience ruin your goodness. Hold your head high because it sounds like you would be such a wonderful partner to someone else in the future.

    Sometimes people are with us for a season or a short while as we go through certain life phases. Not everyone is meant to be forever. Show her kindness and respect her boundaries as she figures out herself, and take this opportunity to value and learn about yourself. I’m very sorry and hope for peace and strength for you.

  2. It seems like an overreaction to question your entire relationship over what amounts to a scheduling conflict that can be pretty easily resolved by having a conversation.

  3. Idk where I read/heard it or maybe I’m making it up. But I definitely remember someone once mentioning that girls are raised to be wife’s/helpmates’ far more often then boys are raised to be husbands. I’m sure there’s a percentage of the reason being due to cultural differences. But I think it’s also disingenuous to not consider persistent gendered stereotypes taught as tradition and expectations. In my house I do all the housework because I know my wife is over extended and it helps my OCD. BUT some of the problem might be in their split work shifts. Their entire day is pass the kid until the weekends. So I’m betting HE thinks he’s doing more then he is. It’s not a competition as long as the team is winning you’re winning.

  4. That was my first thought. My second thought (which is very common for me in this sub) is that this could be another “creative writing” post. It's the way people “yada yada” over major and important thoughts and details and then just ask “should I have a secret abortion.” That doesnt read like someone wanting advice. That reads like someone who wants people to interact with them.

  5. You get to feel how you feel. But I guess I don’t really understand why your feelings matter more than his or why you can’t comprise at all if it’s so important to you that he join you.

    I dunno. My family lives pretty far away so I only visit once a year usually. In the last 20 years, I’ve had a partner come home with me maybe a total of 5 times. I always get a hotel room regardless of if I’m alone or have my partner with me.

    Meanwhile, as their family is close by, we see them several times a month. But not for an overnight, just a couple of hours here or there. No way would I want to spend a week at his family’s home or on a trip with them or whatever. That’s just too much.

  6. Info does he still drink? Have you noticed any aggressive or angry outbursts? Why is this just now coming up?

  7. Cannot believe him one iota. Find a way to inform his wife. She absolutely has the right and need to know!

  8. yes, i told him how he made me feel and he apologized multiple times saying he didn't mean it and all of that stuff. but still, he pretty much did it knowing my history of being a victim of SA. we talked about it again a few days ago and he said he doesn't understand how i can not be “turned on” by him and he kept asking why even tho i explained it multiple times

  9. I think the brother knows it bothers you and that’s why he does it. Doesn’t make a lot of sense otherwise.

  10. Things change. It happens. It's just life. Start cultivating childfree friends, as for this mate, just be honest with her. “I love your kids but I don't always want to sit at yours, I'd like to be able to be out in the world with you again, even just for a pedicure or a coffee.” Be prepared for her to refuse, even get angry, because some moms no longer view their lives as their own without their children around.

  11. Peak fertility for women is actually in their early:mid twenties with most studies putting it between 22 and 26.

  12. He's taking a $2,000 weekend trip with a woman you do not know? Even if you weren't pregnant, no is a perfectly acceptable and appropriate answer.

  13. I think this post would fit better on r/twoxchromosomes then on this sub.

    Specifically this sub is for people asking for relationship advice and your post seems to be more of a women empowerment storytime post. Nothing wrong with that, it just doesn't belong here.

  14. I don’t know that pretty ballsy. I just think she came home at 3 or 4 am and didn’t want him to know the time.

  15. If she didn’t hook up with him at the wedding why would she not have told you everything? “Oh my god babe guess who was at the wedding? The dude who ruined your whole friend group! He works at this company I want to work at now tho so would it be shameless if I contact him about a job, what do you think?” That’s how any normal and honest person would handle it.

  16. she doesn’t want to be dependent upon a medication

    But like… she IS dependent on it. That's not a reflection of her not trying naked enough or something, it's just a fact of her neuralogical health.

  17. Not sure why you think he'd “stop this” when by staying with him you've given it your full approval. When someone is this crazy possessive and controlling and you tolerate it you're giving them permission to continue behaving that way. You've asked for his trust and been denied. The only question you should be asking yourself now is 'how long am I going to put up with this?'.

  18. If you truly connect, I don't see a problem. But bare in mind that males develop until the age of 25, mental development included. So don't expect incredible maturity from your boyfriend and try to be patient.

  19. If you're at the point of asking for polygraphs and signing agreements, it really doesn't matter if she's lying or not. Your trust is completely broken, and you need to think long and naked if there's anything a reasonable person could do that would repair it. If not, it's time to go.

  20. Exactly that. She’s emotionally connected to another at the very least and lied to you about it. She may not have acted on it physically yet, but she’s broken your trust and without trust relationships go nowhere.

  21. What possible industry can you be in where a 24 year old knows so much that you let him treat you like this.

    Make sure you have 100% of the money returned and then break up with him


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