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Alina and Leo (, 22 y.o.


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10 thoughts on “Alina and Leo ( the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Tell your friends you weren't invited. You respected your friend's wishes in regard to his own relationship. But this is no longer about him (directly).

  2. You should tell him you don't like it because it's only about him and he should have gotten you a gift you wanted. The fact he wants you to use an anal dildo in HIS ass makes the gift about him. Absolutely never acknowledge the idea that it's for your butt. Only his.

    Jokes aside….fuck that guy. In the ass. With the dildo

  3. Ok as a fellow new father (< 3months), I really don’t understand your husband, or your attitude towards him.

    I partially understand giving him the benefit of the doubt on pregnancy and postpartum stuff to a certain degree, but honestly why hasn’t he educated himself?

    As soon as we decided to try for our child , I went out of my way to find out as much information as I could, about pregnancy, child birth and the postpartum period as well as parenting . Do I get things wrong sometimes? Definitely . Are there things I was completely unaware of ? Again definitely , sometimes there’s things that you’d need to know about partially to even to look it up. But the point is I’m trying to minimise it as much as possible because that’s my job as a husband and father.

    Whether he’s oblivious or not is irrelevant , he shouldn’t be. The fact that he’s pestering you for sex is bad regardless of the situation, but to do it at such an early point postpartum is awful.

    Your husband needs to step the fuck up, educate himself and start supporting you .

  4. Nah this is 'metoo' taken too far (and this is coming from a woman). I can understand the first (few) times kissing, or going further than that, but she showed you she was okay with it or it wouldn't have happened multiple times. This is one of those cases where you end up having sex and she goes along with it, nothing is wrong and then says she's sexually abused. Unless there is something you're not mentioning, I think you made the right call

  5. Exactly. Just about every person on earth would think this is a deal-breaker. Only deeply unhealthy people like that Duggar family would think you should just stay with someone who was viewing child sexual abuse material.

  6. There’s nothin you can do, this is a problem he created for himself, and only he can fix it. It appears he rather wallow in the self pity though. Before you reach a boiling point, you should give him an ultimatum. Let this go or I’ll go.

  7. Then tell her you’re not comfortable with her kissing other people or seeing other people hard anymore. Acknowledge that you told her it was okay in the past, but that you no longer feel that way. Don’t get mad at her for the past, because it was unclear, but set the standard going forward. The only thing you can (and should) get upset at her for, is for allowing her friends to manipulate you into letting her cheat. They pressured and guilted you into saying okay. Its not your fault that she’s not allowed to kiss other people, it’s her fault for being in a relationship. If she wants to kiss multiple people, she shouldn’t be in a monogamous relationship.

    Remember, just because she’s bisexual doesn’t mean she has the right to kiss other people. Kissing anybody on the mouth without your permission is cheating.


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