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41 thoughts on “Alicia-ryanscorpion18 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. What’s weird about a grown person dating?

    Just tell your roommate something chill, like “hey, I’ve decided to start dating again, any ground rules you’d like to discuss about me having people over?”

  2. Because telling her will just transfer the pain to her and you'll fuck up your relationship and possibly a good relationship with your child.

  3. Stick to your boundary. Let her learn to respect it..or leave you. Why women may feel a need to set an elaborate trap is just so befuddling. So childish

  4. He says she moved out and isn’t talking to him… that kind of sounds like she decided to end things already. He’s the one holding onto the relationship and unable to let go

  5. u/Both_Pin6136, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. First, you have a conversation with your husband. He needs to be in your camp. If he isn't that's a problem. I realize he hasn't been there for the Dr appointments(which is fucking weird) but he should be acutely aware of his child's condition and the status of their healthcare. The fact that he is unaware of the same information that you are is a problem.

    If husband isn't willing to do what he should(stand up for you and your decisions) then I would suggest a single group text giving a broad level explanation and then very clearly drawing a boundary as to the care of your children.

  7. u/Humble-Shake-2468, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. Hello /u/zachred22,

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  9. Is he bipolar?

    It's not an excuse and it's not right either way. But my moms bipolar and she will flip to hateful anger at a drop of a pin.

  10. Yeah, this isn't an okay thing to just spring on someone right before the act and expect them to be 100% cool with it. This absolutely should have been a discussion before you got to this point. Whether you can continue the relationship is up to you, but I don't think I could be with someone who did this to me.

  11. Firstly the older 4 were staying elsewhere for the week this happened. If they were around none of this would have happened to begin with because I wouldn't have drank. They are completely unaware any of this has happened and I intend to keep it that way. I've worn long sleeve everyday since. They don't know what I've done and they don't know what he has done. Neither my partner or myself have done anything like this before. I'm hoping despite how effed it all was it doesn't happen again. He might not be a good partner atm but he's always been the best Dad/step dad. I mean he literally lives for the kids. He works himself to the point where hes depriving himself of sleep everyday, all so the boys can have a good life. He's the kind of person that will drop what he's doing to help someone. He payed $2500 to save my beloved dog,when my ex would have let her die. Without him i wouldn't have her. To take him away from my kids without even giving him a chance, would be cruel. Boys would be heartbroken if he left. I'm really hoping he won't do it again. As for what I did I really wasn't myself I was mental wreck. I hate that I tried. I can assure i would never attempt such a thing again. The thought of their heartbreak if it had worked destroys me. I will never do to them what my dad did to me, it's the worst way to be left behind. I'm truly disgusted that I even got to that point. Everything that has happened is effed yeah definitely. But putting children up for adoption over it would be just evil.

  12. The only advice you getting is to leave. Have some self respect for yourself bc he obviously has none towards you and you seem to allow it. Stand yo for yourself, have self respect, leave him.

  13. Maybe he didnt tell you because look how your reacting now, you want him to trust being able to tell you things but then the thought of him being with another man makes you not want sex and push him away. You want the freedom to sleep with whoever you want but you dont want him having that same freedom, so you want a one sided open relationship that benefits you.

  14. You can make friends as adults she doesn’t want to. She want you to do it. Do you have a problem then your lifestyles are different. It would drive me nuts if somebody did that with me every day all day. There’s a book called codependent no more I would sort hand it to her. It’s by a woman name Melody Beattie. It’s a great book. It’s been around forever. But she has a problem. You have a problem to do you really want to live like that. You can tell her it’s getting into a breaking point with you that you don’t wanna on-line like that. It’s not even very healthy.

  15. You know the answer. You’ve been wondering for years if you should leave. The answer is yes. If this was the relationship for you then you wouldn’t be thinking about leaving. It’s not too late to start over and find someone who doesn’t make you intentionally feel like shit. Do not waste anymore time like I did getting out of a toxic relationship. Good luck!

  16. I do, I care so much about people, especially those who are marginalised. I’m frequently labelled as over sensitive, emotional, and politically correct, but I don’t care. I can’t stand for inequality no matter who it’s coming from. He is nothing like that.

    You’re exactly right. Although I personally don’t want to have children myself, I put off introducing him to family and friends until just this month because I was worried about what they would think. Although a lot of my family is sexist, the ones I choose to spend time with are not, nor are my friends, and I kept thinking how horrible and embarrassing it would be if I introduced him to those people and he showed his true self. I would be so ashamed.

    I don’t want to be scared of introducing my partner to people I love and care about in case they say something derogatory. And conversely, I don’t want to be with someone who I have to bite my tongue around their sexist, racist, homophobic friends. We’re not compatible and I see it now.

  17. Why are you upset she has your number? Why didn’t she already have your number? These are the questions you should be asking yourself.

  18. Help your son, a three year sacrifice could change the entire course of his life and your grandchildren's life and his future family's life.

  19. Did you miss the part where he said in 3 years… no one is saying he has to sell today after a year of dating…

  20. Your Mom's gotta figure out living her life for her again… Not much you can do, as long as you are keeping in touch.

  21. If you share the same friend group and you want to stay in the group, you should probably apologize but say you were hurt by her actions and deserve an apology too.

  22. I'm going with…

    You are wrong.

    Straight men, for the most part, prefer women with vaginas. Gay men do not usually prefer women of any sort. Oral is 50/50. Why do you want to believe such negative ideas?

  23. I mean the distinction isn’t really as big as you think it is. Your husband is a lot more than his moustache and you’re not having sex with him because of a facial hair pattern that someone else decided looks stereotypically creepy

  24. I think you should dig deeper into that tbh. Sometimes there's nothing behind it but did you do it because you can't be vulnerable around him? Do you think he isn't useful in medical situations? Etc. And decide from there if it's worth it to marry someone in case you get Ill.

  25. I guess I get concerned because In the past she has done coke and meth when I didn’t know her. There’s more that’s too much to explain. But I understand what you’re saying for sure ??

  26. You are. He defended himself by hitting you back. All that men shouldn’t hit women went out the window. We are all about equality now. He should have beat your ass and then you’d know not to hit someone ever again.

  27. Sometimes people prefer in person interaction rather than texting. Is being a bad texter a deal breaker to you?

  28. That’s like a truth joke. She would be down for it but if you reacted badly she could turn around and say she was just kidding. Why would she want to date your bf anyways if she looks down on him for having a learning disability? She just wants someone to want her.

  29. Is it time to have Alex back in our lives? Do I talk to Louis about this? How will Louis feel?


    Dont so that to him.


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