Alice on-line sex cams for YOU!

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One thought on “Alice on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Honestly, I think you are asking the wrong question.

    Whether he is doing something wrong is not for us strangers to decide, the important thing is if you feel uncomfortable, which you do, and if that is something that can change from your side.

    I don't think people can change dramatically. You have already talked to him about the issues you have and you say he is making an effort, so I'd accept that that's all the improvement that will happen on his side and try and figure out if it is enough for me or not.

    If you want to keep this relationship, you can try and work on your self esteem and see if that changes things for you, but there is nothing wrong with also saying that you've put in the effort you were willing too and don't want to do it anymore.

    At the end of the day, I personally think that relationships should make you feel good, if they are more a struggle than a joy, then maybe they should end. It is egoistic, of course, but having a bit of ego is sometimes a good thing.


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