Alejandro-Alejandra on-line webcams for YOU!

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19 thoughts on “Alejandro-Alejandra on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I don’t mean to hurt you… but it sounds like you’re the side piece… it sounds like he’s afraid of moving in with you because he has someone else…. He made it clear he didn’t wanna move in. You’ve been dating for six years, so if your desires don’t match… maybe you should put an end to it.. But I don’t know, I’m just trying to help. The best of luck!

  2. Hugs, make a post that it was not his ring but your mom's ring that he proposed to and the only gold digger is Austin for wanting a ring that was really never his. Side note, get a lawyer, explain that the ring wasn't his, he didn't buy it, and that it came from your mom. You don't need to be harrassed, follow up on his arrest and get a restraining order as well.

  3. Start with smaller things. If you can, change your phone plan to a pay-as-you-go type plan and turn his line off until he can pay for time or just separate him from the plan. March is not very far away and you will need to do that soon anyway. If you have a lot of streaming services narrow it down to just one or two. If he can’t make a car payment or pay for car insurance sell the car. Keep minimal groceries he likes accessible in the house and make sure he does not have access to your money to order food. Maybe once he has consequences like these for his work choices he may think differently about things?

  4. Hello /u/Only_Ebb6618,

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  5. This disease of the brain can easily grind everybody down to a nub. It’s a living nightmare to on-line with someone like this when they are only getting worse. The ultimatum may be bad but I don’t think there is anything petty about it

  6. I love the way you expressed that point about cheating not being the ultimate arbiter of what is okay and not okay in relationships. If someone’s only justification is that it’s not technically cheating, then it tells you that they have a very legalistic view of morality and they don’t respect others’ feelings.

  7. We spoke about going to the spa a few months ago and she was very excited about the idea. Money isn't tight, I paid for everything. She routinely takes time off work for far lesser reasons (as in, sleeping in and being late for work) and its FINE with her workplace.

  8. Right. But the more invasive things were like: talking to him about changing his mind, showing things that I would like to say to him, asking him things like why he did it and all sorts of stuff that she definitely would’ve done if I said yes.

  9. Fuck you’re young and you haven’t lived a whole lot, but here’s a truth. These people need to not be in your life. Both of them they both betrayed you. You get that they betrayed you both of them. You don’t need people like that in your life, those are enemies. Those aren’t friends.

  10. Between 2 and 10 percent of married people are swingers. normal is NOT fucking other people in a marriage.

  11. Here's hoping you figure it out. It occurs to me that he is very moody. Maybe you could break the ice by taking advantage of one of his more friendly periods. You've done conversation and it didn't work. Maybe you can get a bit more creative with body language. A touch means a helluva lot more than any conversation. What about a touch and an invitation to dinner/lunch/coffee?

  12. Your husband is planning some sick sort of “baby moon” of his own where he gets to forget about his wife and have sex with this chick. Your marriage is over if he goes.

  13. Do not set up family with friends, if you don't think it will work.

    You can let M know G is interested, but don't push for either side.

    I took a chance when a friend/co-worker needed a date to the company Christmas party and asked 1 BIL if he was interested. We did a bowling date, before the party and they both agreed to go. Well, that was 35 years ago and they are still married. So, I got a friend married into the family. Not every date works out, so expect drama from doing it, or not doing it.

  14. I agree, and that’s not the part I meant anyway. I don’t think it’s right for her to punish OP either, but the comment I was responding to sounded like they were saying it’s rude to leave or not participate, when it isn’t.


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