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19 thoughts on “MavisStephan online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think as you get older it matters less. Especially when you hit 30 it seems less of a “20 year old girl, 40 year old man” thing.

    for example, if you were 40 and he was 55 people probably wouldn't think twice.

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  3. Being afraid she might kill herself if you break off with her is not a good reason for a relationship? She has exes, so she didn't kill herself back then, why should she do that now?

  4. Be warned, you had to fight him on it. It’s pretty fucking easy for him to just unblock her later. He’s shown you how he prioritizes other women’s feelings over yours.

  5. cmon you knew he didn’t want dogs and that it was a dealbreaker. you stupidly ignored that knowing you 1. wouldn’t get rid of yours and 2. that you’d probably want more in your lifetime. that’s on you

  6. Exactly. Not sure why OP thinks she “owes” him this AT ALL. It's like he's brainwashed her into believing that doing ANY sexual act not matter how painful and uncomfortable HAS to be done for a partner- when it does not.

  7. I know this is a difficult time for you, but I'm going to give you some tough love advice. Talk to his wife.

    I'm sorry, but he's already proven himself a liar. Why would you think he is miserable in this marriage? He hasn't ended it because his wife has no idea. I guarantee it. If his marriage has been this miserable for three years, what's taking so long?

    Could your stress and uncertainty be your inner voice screaming “STOP”? I'm guessing yes.

    Concentrate on your kid. If you insist on staying with this man, at the very least, I'd do some investigating. I'm guessing his wife and child have absolutely no idea what he is doing.

  8. Sort by: new

    I know I sound like a stupid child right now but I have been through a lot of emotional abuse by my parents growing up (and some physical abuse). I was just happy that I found someone that loved me for who I am and I gave up everything for him. My career, my potential jobs, my social life. I may have fucked up badly but I really really love him and there's a part of me that cannot believe that he does not love me because he has shown a lot of love.

  9. You've grown into different people. You're someone who's growing, changing, improving himself throughout his lifetime. She's stuck being who she always is (comfort; path of least resistance).

    The smartest thing to do is to divorce. Get a 2-bedroom apt. so the kids can visit with you 50% of the time so that you can ensure that at least 50% of the time they're seeing adulthood modeled correctly. You can't hide an unsatisfying marriage from the kids; they see it, they hear it, they feel it. If you don't change your life to better reflect who you are and what you want, how can you expect them to do so? They will take you & your wife as models for “adult” “spouse” “parent”. Make sure that you reflect the values you want your children to aspire to.

  10. If he respects you and your boundaries, he’ll back off on her a bit. M/F friendships are alright to a certain extent, but when they start making your significant other uncomfortable, that’s when you need to start setting some boundaries. And I’ll tell you what… I’d flip my lid if my boyfriend (25m) was having random phone conversations with one of his female friends.

  11. the journaling/notes should be a non-issue. there’s different styles of journaling and some people journal in the moment to get things off their chest.. they don’t always mean them. they’re a person’s private thoughts and should be treated like a diary.

    with that being said, contemplating divorce every time you’re angry is not healthy

    also unhealthy is your partner demanding to invade your privacy without cause and issuing an ultimatum of divorce, instead of connecting and communicating with you in a civil manner

    the relationship sounds toxic for both people

  12. Your health should come before your gf tbh and the fact that she doesn't prioritize that the same way is kind of a red flag. I understand her being disappointed that you couldn't come but you told her twice I'm pretty sure. It honestly seems like she's trying to manipulate you into thinking you're the bad guy for prioritizing your health

  13. OP, the question you seem to be really asking yourself is do you want to raise your partner's brother the way his parents have? For the foreseeable future – for the rest of your life?

    It sound like his parents didn't really think this through, so now their decisions and responsibility is falling on your partner. You telling your partner to change the care plan or teaching his brother independent living is not and should no be your responsibility in my opinion (you are not trained to advise in these situations, and you aren't quite family/his parent or caretaker)

    What happens if the brother moves in and something happens to your partner? Are you prepared to inherit the responsibility of being a full time carer? If the answer is, no…

    I'm curious what your therapist says, but I agree with most in the thread. Your partner is not consulting you on the situation, he's basically made an ultimatum. You aren't even married yet and he's made it clear his brother & his parents' desires are more important than you & yours. That seems like a pretty red flag to me…


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