Lis the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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27 thoughts on “Lis the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Not sure what most of your first paragraph has to do with this, especially the fact she has abs. As to your question, she is 31and has four jobs. If a car would seriously help her I'm sure she would know it. Do you mean her having a car would help you?

  2. Ultimately I have to decide if I want something more with my friend, ending my current relationship that's going so well, or stay in my current one, not knowing if my and my friend could have been more.

    Yes, that's all there is to it. It's a hard decision, but not a complicated one. Look within, find what you want, then make a decision and act accordingly. Stay true to yourself and avoid unnecessary pain to either of them, for instance by taking more time than necessary to decide, trying to monkey branch from one relationship to the next by asking your friend out before breaking up with your gf, just in case she refuses, or stick around your friend and possibly fan a crush you chose to not reciprocate.

    If you choose your gf, you need to take your distances with your friend until your crush die out. If you choose your friend, you need to first break up with your girlfriend. Whatever you choose, own up and make peace with your decision so you don't get regrets and second thoughts.

  3. u/freetaykay672, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  4. Don't share anything personal with her. Interact with her diplomatically the way you would an in-law you don't particularly like – cordial but aloof, and only to the extent required. No more daily texting obviously. Just a chilly detente.

  5. Not to mention theyre working in the same department making similar money in a job that doesn’t require a degree…. from the boyfriends perspective her degree was probably a waste of time and money

  6. I know what he does…..I've been in his shoes. Plus, our kids are almost out of school. If I'm not working, I'm with the kids and him. Before and after work, I'm doing my wifely and motherly duties and then some. I'm teaching kids how to drive and how to navigate through life. I'm at all teacher parent meetings that are scheduled around my work schedule. I'm taking them to all of their doctor appointments. I am well involved in all of their lives 100%.

  7. I mean maybe? Or maybe he panicked? Idk. I take issue with people saying he definitely did it on purpose and that it's impossible it wasn't. Not saying she should put up with it or go back. The dude clearly needs therapy and to not have a girlfriend rn.

  8. You have the whole thing wrong.

    He moved. So that makes sense.

    And I gave him the dates. He’s just saying March because I mentioned when In March.

  9. From the second paragraph on, it reads like Rosamund Pike's monologue from Gone Girl, almost verbatim.

    Please don't kill Barney.

  10. If you truly do adore him and he's perfect for you, then here's what you do: confront him every single lie you catch him in, and even when you don't, look at him suspiciously and say “Now are you lying?” If he complains about it, tell him he brought it on himself.

    If he goes a week without any lying, thank or praise him for it.

  11. If you want closure or whatever, you can speak to him.

    Or if you really want to try again with the guy, you can try? But honestly it sounds like it's just gonna open cans of shit better left sealed.

    I've opened a few of those cans over the years. (hell, I got home like an hour ago after 19 hours at an exes house. That's gonna bite me on the ass but I had a very good evening. And a good afternoon.)

    Sometimes it's worth opening the cans, sometimes IT IS NOT.

    Ultimately it's your call, but if he's already sidelined you once, he has shown that you are not his priority.

    Pretty much no adult can judge you on your decisions. They are yours. But it is worth considering that you will probably never be priority to this person, no matter how much of yourself you give to him.

    Good luck with whatever you decide, dating is hard at the best of times.

  12. She waited over 10 years to tell you. She probably thinks it's too far in the past for you to leave her over it.

  13. You grounded her for several minutes despite her crying and fear in your eyes. This with what abusive assholes do. You abused her and destroyed the relationship with that abuse. You are sick in the head for dominating her to the point of terror. I hope she realizes what an abusive untrustworthy and violent asshole you are and dumps you. Get therapy.

  14. I think the point is could you have a little less savings today and get some help right now so that you are not miserable? I'm not saying blow your entire retirement on a nanny, but could you adjust a few things to hire a babysitter one night a week for 7 weeks so you can play golf?

    I know plenty of people who suffered for years so they could have this amazing retirement. They pinched pennies, ate ramen, and never spent anything because they were going to retire in style. It was going to be amazing. And then, right when they retired, they had a heart attack and died. So what did they get in the long run? A miserable, awful, unhappy life. And that's it. There was no magic happiness at the end. Do you think if they knew that's how it would end, they would have lived like that? I'm guessing no. You deserve joy. Life is already hard. Please don't make it harder for a tentative future. Take a tiny bit for today. Your husband is with his bowling, so you can, too.

  15. Nah. You need to leave this dude. I'm a poster child for daddy issues and guess what? I got help. I did years of intensive therapy, as well as cut my birth father out of my life.

    Why should you help a man who refuses to help himself? He's incapable of being in a (healthy) relationship until he gets help. I've been there too. But it isn't your job to fix him. He has to fix himself.


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