Annismile on-line webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Annismile on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Okay. Your dating pool is going to be about three percent of men and they don't have any particular reason to gather in one place and be easy to find.

    Most people, including lots of women, use some kind of erotica sometimes. Most people will not respond well to being ordered to stop. Did he ever agree to your rule?

  2. He doesnt want me to take up that role as he does not imagine himself being dominated by girlfriend or someone he loves. He is not turned on by it from it.

    I did suggest therapy, he doesn’t want to do it.

    He wants to be with me but he said that he will most likely do it again and when his urges hit, he cannot control it

  3. Is your girlfriend actually 16 ? – one finding it a problem you don’t have the exact same emotions as her is bad but extrapolating all these claims of whether you love her less from simply enjoying your WEEKLY 8hr break. If I was you’d Id need more and would be pushing for it so I really can’t see the problems arising from just this. Your hobby time is incredibly important for you, and your gfs “hurt” from it shows she probably should go see a therapist or just you two need to talk things out more.

  4. On one hand it is a little weird. I can see it from her perspective. If you're only watching porn of white guys with Asian women, does that mean you have an Asian fetish? Are you only dating her because she's Asian?

    Otoh there's the whole “is this a new porn interest because of GF's race” thing. And if that's the case, you should just talk to her and explain it.

  5. And what happens if you go through another “rough phase” with her? Will she cheat on you again? That’s vindictive behavior, and it’s worrying.

  6. Abuse is to far. Is she watching for his health probably! The issue is he is not honest with his feelings. If he said, I know KFC isn’t the best choice, I got it as a treat.

  7. It's possible you have grown apart. I had very little enjoyment of my long-term husband after a couple of decades.

    But perhaps you should get out together more often. Like, date night once a month, get a sitter, go do something fun.

  8. I think you need to consider your longer term goals irrespective of him.

    What do you want for your career? Do you feinitely want marriage? By when? Kids? Are you okay being a trailing spouse?

    At the end of the day, if you want kids, you’re biologically coming to a critical time. If kids aren’t on the table then I don’t see the point in insisting on an engagement before moving if your career is pretty portable. I’d stop beating around the bush and share an actual timeline.

    Your fear of leaving friends and family is pretty normal. I’ve moved 26 times within the US, Europe, and Africa for my job or partner’s job and haven’t lived closer than an 8 hour drive from my home town since college. But I know people who have never left the state they were born in and are actually proud of that—which seems super weird to me. To each their own of course.

    I dunno. You’re not a passenger in this relationship so you need to ask for what you want and be very clear on your expectations and timelines. I think a lot of people who are “perpetual students” tend to feel like they can’t start their real adult life till they’re done with school and established in spite of the fact that they’re damn near middle aged. Men especially seem to have a checklist in their head of things they need to accomplish before marriage and kids career/financial wise and forget that for us women, the clock is ticking when it comes to kids because theirs really isn’t.


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