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26 thoughts on “Alessia the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Even if he doesn't get suspicious outright, he'd almost certainly shut that down really quickly. He wants total control and I'd bet my left tit he's clinically a narcissist so any sign of her own autonomy to him would be a risk to his control over her. I doubt he'd even let her hire help since he probably sees it as her responsibility and it's the wife/mom's job to stay home and take care of the kids. This is obviously pure speculation on my part but I think it might fit him to a T.

  2. Dude. You don’t give ultimatums to people who are wasted. You are way overreacting. I would’ve laughed at you as well. If you want to be respected, you have to first be respectful.

  3. I think you and your boyfriends reaction where very normal. Given that she said that your bf is nude (kinda weird compliment to give a friends boyfriend) and the following actions. The I was drunk card dosen't work here. I think she should apologize for her actions. Maybe talk to her that what she did and said where very inappropriate and sexually assaulting your boyfriend (exposing boobs and dancing sensually) is not acceptable. If she sees the light and gives you a proper apology I can see you forgiving her. But sometimes friends just outgrow each other and maybe you guys are just not a fit anymore.

  4. It sounds like there wasn’t any miscommunication or misunderstanding- it sounds like she knew you expected her not to be with other people (otherwise why would she get so distant and feel so awful?). In other words, I feel this counts as cheating. She’s sure acting like she knows it was cheating. It’s so early on, I just don’t really see any upside in staying with someone who is already cheering.

  5. Yeah all my sweet and caring friends threaten to stab me with a knife. One of them was so nice she even used a sword. It's such a great feeling. /s

  6. How's your gf supposed to read your mind bro? She was just trying to arouse you FFS. I feel bad for her , getting do badly rejected and vindicated for trying to appease you AND on top of that you went and talked shit about her to your friends. I would never discuss intimate moments with my gf to my friends, it's so disrespectful

  7. But would your adults children throw a temper tantrum if you told them that you can’t help them out financially this month? At what point do you think it’s acceptable for a parent to tell their adult child that they need to financially independent?

  8. Stripp is not the only form of dancing, so you could have every other class of dancing. Tango, hip-hop, belly dancing etc etc. Also you don't have to be a dancer to see the world but you can work in many jobs that need you to travel. One Google research and you have a whole list!!!! So that you chose to be a stripper is a little concerning. Many are going to tell you that it is not, that it is a job, that nothing is wrong with it but no one is going to be honest with you of how many times they regretted doing it. They don't want to speak the truth because then they will have to admit to themselves that they were wrong!!! Being a stripper is lonely, you forget about being lonely because you focus on the “job” but that doesn't make you happy, also sometimes you feel disgusted especially when a client is not respectful and you wonder why you are there in the first place but it is too late to quit because you have already lost important time and also the money sweetens all that bs!!! Not to talk about how coworkers in a future job are “seeing” you and that you have to work double to earn their respect. And they have a right not respecting you because of the lack of morals from your side. Especially when you saw a hottie and you did more than the job requirements. As about your ex bf. You have to let him go. There is nothing that can save it now. He saw the way how you tend to romanticise situations while you have no idea how the reality is!!! That showed him that he can't trust your judgement and that sometimes you can't think clearly because you put on the lovely dovey goggles!!! Let him go. It is too late.

  9. He likes to stay humble while you want to brag about wealth that isn't yours. If you keep stomping his boundaries you will not be in a relationship with him for long

  10. She's not wrong that parents never get a day off. That's just what you sign up for when have a child. But if your wife needs naps during the day because she's up at night with your toddler it could be a sign that your one year-old hasn't been properly sleep trained. A 12 month old should be able to sleep through the night. So maybe work on that. If your wife could sleep at night she wouldn't need naps and likely wouldn't be so grumpy as she adjusts to the reality that parenting is a 24/7 job.

  11. The way you improve your situation is 1) go back in time and don’t be a predator preying on a much younger person

    2) go back in time and don’t value your vagina more than your child

    3) go back in time and dump the boy toy the moment you realized how badly you fucked up and try to work with your son to fix things.

    Sadly you chose young dick over your son for years. You lied to him. You took away his ONE FRIEND YOU WERE SO HAPPY HE FINALLY MADE. You ignored him. You abandoned him. All because you had a new young toy to play with.

    You are an awful mother. Grade A horrible person. And a predator/groomer of young impressionable people. You took away and destroyed the trust he had in his two most important people, and never had the common decency to apologize or attempt to make it right. That week between him learning and leaving? THAT was your chance to fix things. But you didn’t. You were RELIEVED when he left so you could cast your son aside and run into your new life without him.

    As to this meeting? Listen to everything he has to say. Don’t interrupt. Don’t attempt to justify anything. Apologize for all the hurt and awfulness you have done to his world. Answer his questions honestly. Agree to whatever conditions he has for having any kind of relationship moving forward. DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILD HUSBAND OR YOUR NEW DAUGHTER TO THIS MEETING.

    To be clear: You are being given an opportunity you do NOT deserve to have your son back in your life.

  12. As someone with the same illness as your wife (and also adhd) your post nearly made me tear up, and I’m not sure I can explain why. ME/CFS is so stigmatised, so often misunderstood, and it is so so nude on both the sufferer as well as the people close to them. It is so easy to feel like you’re not worthy of love when you aren’t able to contribute through work (be it financially or domestically). It’s easy to feel like you have nothing to offer to the world. The way you speak of your wife uplifting and supporting you, simply by being there and being compassionate and loving, is so heartwarming. Dating someone with a severe chronic illness is nude and I wouldn’t blame anyone for choosing not to, but just acknowledging that we can still have heathy relationships and that we still have things to offer beyond the limitations imposed by this illness is so important. Thank you for doing that and for putting in the work to save a relationship that I’m sure many others would have simply walked away from and blamed her illness instead of facing their own problems. You two sound like a great team and I wish you both nothing but love and happiness (and a cure. Please someone hurry up with that)

  13. Yeah, I must be old fashioned because although I choose to be single, if my best friend of 25 years told me I was her best friend and not her spouse I'd be feeling very worried for them. Isn't the whole point of a spouse exactly that? A best friend who becomes your family?

  14. At this point , no. You left a message today, right? Wait for his response. If he doesn't respond, say by mid to end of the week, you break up. Take the wheel and be in control. Otherwise, he gets the last unspoken word.

  15. it's not nude for me to believe that people would be deceptive with cheating. physical, emotional and “thrill” pleasure purely at the expense of someone else's trust and happiness. for a lot of people, they are not mature enough to acknowledge that trust and happiness as something real that you have to sacrifice for in a relationship.

    I've been married 12 years. I've been attracted to other people who are not my wife, sure, I'm only a human. I'm sure it's the same for her, vice-versa. But acting on it states to the world that you believe your own fleeting pleasure is worth your partner's pain.

    That's a statement I think many people would make. It's sad, but it's human nature.

  16. Is he jerking off a lot? Before I got with my gf, i was going at it multiple times a day and as a result wasn't always able to easily get nude when she initiated. Lowered the frequency of solo time and now it's much easier for us to be ready at the same time on a short notice. Best of luck to y'all


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