Squirtyshow on-line sex chats for YOU!

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43 thoughts on “Squirtyshow on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Does she like other stuff? If she does, why isn’t the other stuff good enough for you?

    Give her pleasure by doing what she likes.

  2. It’s absolutely ludicrous to say that all legal adults are automatically on an equal playing field. Have you ever MET a 19 year old? In my experience, they’re nervous, immature, naive, recently out of high school, usually still living at home or in a college dorm, usually not financially independent… you know, like a teenager. 27 year olds, generally, have been full adults for at least a few years and somewhat know what they’re doing.

    It’s nasty for someone in their late twenties to sniff around a teen no matter how you spin it. If your only justification is legality, that’s weird.

  3. If all you have is that one instance, I wouldn't call that abuse. She's making a snap judgement off something you said about them.

  4. Might have been more likely that you got a false positive, depending on the test. Unless you had symptoms, then it is pretty clear you had it. If you didn't have symptoms you should have been tested a 2nd time to verify.

    Check my reply to the other comments from this post to see how wild those odds of false positives can get.

  5. You don’t have to buy her a luxury car. If she likes going to spas, give her a certificate for a spa day. They have specials this time of year.

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  7. Look, she said she didn't know what to do, & didn't want to intrude. Why don't we take this at face value rather than jumping to saying she doesn't care about you? If you had said, “I could use a hug,” do you think she would have hugged you?

    It's true some women like the “strong, silent type,” but far more are frankly begging their male partners to be in touch with their emotions! If she dumps you over this, she isn't the one anyway! It isn't 1950, men can & should cry.

  8. Is it possible for him to stay somewhere else while you’re at your parents’ place? And then you could both find another place together in 6 months?

    I do agree that he has no right to bitch at your parents… but I couldn’t live like that, either. It sounds unsustainable.

  9. Ego is a huge turn off, and crying over stupid expectations that hurt your own ego, is apparently worse. I wouldn't want to keep dating this bloke, that would absolutely be enough to convince me to never sleep with him again.

  10. not early for her age but more so too quickly with our financial situation, she said she was gonna quit her job to be a stay at home mom so I had to pick up extra work for her displaced income

  11. BC is a no because I have issues with mental health and I think BC could very easily plummet my mental health.

    While it can be tricky to find something that works, plenty of women with mental health care issues are on bc. There are hormonal and non-hormonal options. So please get an appointment with your doctor and talk about it.

    to use a condom brand that’s very difficult to break, and a plan B immediately after sex.

    So you're anxious about your mental health issues, but want to use plan B?????????? You realise that that's a lot worse, right? And condom brands generally are all about the same. Average use is okay, but it can be better if you add another form of bc.

    Plan B is an emergency contraceptive, not a form of bc.

  12. LOL Asks strangers on the internet for advice

    Stranger on internet gives advice

    “Well you don't know me so why would I listen to you?”

    ….bro what hahahah

  13. It’s early in the relationship and that’s the perfect time to decide whether that’s something you want to tolerate or not.

  14. Taking the eviction would leave me homeless. She CAN go live with her parents, i cannot. Its not an option for me. I think maybe this is why she doesnt care as much as i do about the rent, because she has a backup plan if it all fails.

  15. True and he knows how I feel about physical things as my ex did a similar thing. But I’d still feel bad leaving especially if I was in the wrong with this situation

  16. This wasn't a routine errand though. He was already on a routine errand and then went off on a completely unplanned, unrelated one. Plus his GF was extremely close to giving birth. That warrants an update.

  17. HR, police department, fire department, PETA, Black Legion, Goku, Flexo. And anyone else they could think of.

  18. Yeah another big problem we have is him not listening to me or forgetting things I’ve told him. Stuff like this has happened so many times that I don’t think he’s going to change. Thank you for your reassurance.

  19. “The really big ones hurt babe! Yours is perfect!” Is literally a TikTok trending meme.

    If the roles were switched and he had outspoken opinions about his previous partners vagina, you'd be very weary, too.

    This won't go away quickly or easily. In the future don't speak poorly of any person's body that you're dating, regardless of what happened between them. You never know what weight other people are carrying or how that may body shame them.

    He'll get over it eventually.

  20. This can happen in relationships:

    I feel like I'm losing myself as my own person she wants to spend every waking moment with me.

    People need to reserve their identity in relationships… they're an addition, not an consumption.

    But this:

    she gets very angry and starts yelling at me about everything under the sun with a lot of it if not all of it even making sense for example today before I left for work I was screamed at because I went to take a shower before I left and said I hate her guts and don't care about her because I take to long in the shower

    Is highly concerning…

    There are many red-flags here and I would recommend taking your leave.. these type of people want to trap you. And 99.99% of the time those who threaten suicide if you leave… are bluffing.

    What you should be doing is contacting her parents, let them know the situation, tell them you no longer wish to be involved with her… that you're going to break up with her and she is their responsibility, not yours.

    Do you really think that imprisoning yourself in a shit relationship is worth it because they're trapping you there?… You have to put your foot down at some point and leave.

  21. I don’t think it was stupid for her to make sure she had a built-in support system, which clearly she ended up needing.

  22. I'm sure trans people lie sometimes out of fear of rejection but like…getting married and hiding it for the rest of their lives somehow? And I mean, even if she's asexual you'd think she'd find it strange her husband was a never naked or whatever lol.

    Trans people do lie sometimes but this is over the top ridiculous.

  23. That isn't true. I have no health consequences from my weight and doctors CONSTANTLY act like it's a surprise. I work an active job on my feet all day, I walk and eat well. Weight maintenance is healthier than weight loss, but you just follow outdated science because you think fat people are gross

  24. I see your point, but I disagree. When I create a boundary for myself, I don't need or require any input or agreement from anyone else. The outcome is me leaving a cheater, not the cheater being left. I have no control over whether or not my partner cheats or what they do after. For example, if I want to give someone a ride and I say I'm leaving at 3. I'm leaving at 3 with or without them. I'm doing that so I don't get stressed and I'm not late, not to punish the other person for breaking a rule.

    I had a friend always an hour late for our lunch dates, I told her if she's later than 15 minutes, I'm leaving. I did. Not to punish her for breaking a rule, but for myself because I was busy and had things to do. She was free to come an hour late and eat lunch by herself.

  25. No, you misunderstood. I don't think it was to the dog. It was to something else for sure but in front of that dog.

  26. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    He paid a trans (MTF) sex worker $200 for penetrative, anal sex. He had met her at a hotel, and left after 10 minutes (he states). He said he wore a condom, had no other sexual interaction with her (other than anal), and couldn't come or stay very hot, so he left.

    Rewind to how I found out: through his recently deleted messages.

    He had gotten drunk with his friends this past weekend and starting acting strange when I picked him up at a bar he got dropped off at. On the ride home, he went apeshit and kept trying to take off his seatbelt and opening the passenger door. I knew something was up.

    We got home and he ended up running away and left his phone behind. Me, thinking that maybe he did some drugs, I picked up his phone from the passenger seat to find out if that was true.

    Curiosity got the best of me and I opened up his recently deleted messages. A random number with multiple attachments and a video stood out. And lo and behold, there was his conversation with the sex worker.

    In the messages he stated it was his “first time” and was “experimenting”. He sent her a shower selfie and confirmed a time to meet her (before he had to go into work). After said interaction he messaged her saying that the intercourse left him “so hard and horny”. She suggested another “round” and he said when he had more “$”. These messages were all from the same day, but she did message him two days later 4 pictures of herself. No response from him, but this was the same day he went drinking with his buddies.

    I have been crying and arguing with him about how devastating this all is. How could he put my health at risk I ask him. How could 4 years together not be more valuable than a sexual interaction with a complete stranger? Was he never going to tell me, and the cherry-on-top, he was going to keep doing it too?

    This man has given me the most unconditional love and we've been through a lot of growing pains. I thought we were in such a beautiful place in our relationship that he would have at least sat down and talked to me about his sexual desires. I will admit 2 years back, I found out he was watching trans porn, but when I asked him if this is what he wanted physically he said “no”, “it's just a fantasy”. Same when I found an escort site on his phone that he denied he would ever pay for sex and was just “looking and laughing”. I believed him. He seemed so selfless and honest and on love with me.

    The red flags were present but I ignored my predictions (I foresaw the scenario), but I kept thinking I was being paranoid. But breaking up with this man I share a home with is harder than I thought it would be. I still have love for him and my anger is practically nonexistent. I always thought I would burn the house down if I ever caught him cheating, but I would rather hold him and cry.

    He tells me that he messaged her back only to feel confident and didn't want to see her again. But I just have a very hot time believing that. He said the sex wasn't worth it, but I don't know if I can believe he wasn't satisfied. Apparently, it wasn't what he expected. But how true is his statement?

    Does anyone have advice?

  27. This is not because of you.

    This is not because of you.

    This is not because of you.

    This is HIM.

    He called you and let you know what he was about to do. He knew you'd call for help. He didn't expect to succeed. He knew you would feel guilty. He did this on purpose.

    He needs therapy and support and you need to avoid him as much as humanly possible.

    See a lawyer and arrange a formal custody plan for your daughter, or request some changes if you already have one. You may be able to get full custody because of what he just did, at least temporarily. Ask for any further necessary contact to be done through your lawyer, because you should not talk to him if you can help it.

    He will use the threat of him doing this again to control you for the rest of your life if he can. He will go back to his ex then guilt you into letting him come back again when she's sick of his crap.

    His life is NOT your responsibility. You are NOT the only one who can save him. If he harms himself again that will be because HE chose to, not because of you or anything you've done.

    He is an adult man with free will and if you had the power force him to do something this dramatic, your influence would have been enough to make him sort his shit out by now. You do not control him and you are not responsible for him.

    This is not because of you.

    This is not because of you.

    This is not because of you.

    Keep telling yourself this until you can believe it.

  28. When it comes to what he says to you, please understand that the only thing that matters is his actions, not his words which will be crafted to put him in the best possible light.

    If you can trust what all of us are telling you, he has inappropriate intent.

    When he talks to you, either he is honest and confesses that and agrees you 2 need to kill the friendship, or he is lying and manipulating you.

    I'm always concerned when somebody is posting about a 3rd party's bad actions, and then announces they are going to talk to the person about it as if there is an acceptable explanation (there is not) and thus are opening themselves up to being snowed over.

  29. My favorite response to this level of immaturity is ignoring it and going on with my day. Nothing pisses off someone who's trying the “Ha! THIS will show 'em” approach more than being unaffected and unconcerned about it, except maybe being completely unaware.

  30. I can completely appreciate why you are feeling this way as it leaves you confused because there doesn't really seem any use to lying. Then in some cases, it can create more doubt as you are aware he has lied about this, what else could he be lying about.

    I would expect that potentially he is lying as he has not had as many sexual partners as he is saying and maybe he is slightly embarrassed. So he may select girls he knows to show you people in particular but change their names so it is not directly linked to them as he has probably never slept with them.

    Potentially all male chauvinism which may mean he has got himself into a little lie that he can't get himself out of now.

  31. You need to sit down with her and talk about it. Breaking up will hurt anyway. You're only wasting her and your time delaying this moment.


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