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Jul_ielive sex stripping with Live HD

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Room for live sex video chat Jul_ie

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Birth Date: 2003-06-02

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41 thoughts on “Jul_ielive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. A simple solution to your problem, end the relationship and move on. She is committed and married to her job. She doesn't have time to date.

    Quick story, famous Baseball player Derek Jeter was asked why haven't you married yet? His answer was I'm married to Baseball, don't have time for a relationship.

  2. You set your own boundaries in your own relationships. I think a lot of people fail to do this before problems arise. I do agree that you should let her develop her own relationships and support her in doing that. But you should talk with her about how you feel about her friend since you feel a certain way. Personally, Ik how that one guy friend is and “crushes” simply don’t just wash away. You need to communicate to your girlfriend your uneasiness and go from there. If you don’t feel comfortable, you need to have that conversation with her. If you trust her and are comfortable about it, hangout with them and make ‘em a lil jealous ?

  3. Advice on how to go about this?

    If you haven't said it already then state it's a shit thing to do.

    Doesn't matter whether it's game or any other hobby or interest, if you can't have some basic couple time, especially after a date because he sods of to do a hobby all the time, you're not being dramatic having a problem with that.

  4. It's technically not cheating if y'all aren't together. But depends on you. Do YOU feel like you cheated and should tell the girl about what happened? If yes, then sure do.

  5. She's withholding sex/intimacy unless it's to make a baby. Does that sound okay to you?

    She needs therapy, therapy as a couple would be beneficial as well

    Don't have a baby if you don't want a baby, but if you want to save your marriage definitely listen to the comments suggesting therapy (for her and as a couple)

  6. she's putting herself in scenarios where she's getting raped multiple times and still going back for more, rape traumatizes you it doesn't make you wanna go back and get black out drunk for round 2, also no police reports of multiple rapes?

    This is very very rich, I obviously hope OP's girlfriend isn't making this up as it'd be sick but the story is almost unbelievable.

  7. And this is the prime example of it. You'll rather have a pretty light skinned baby as opposed to doing what's right. This marriage shouldn't happened especially knowing they were already racist

  8. He absolutely does not care about you, he’s only putting on a show but ultimately cares about his own satisfaction. A man that truly cares about you would never react this way or feel okay with those words and actions.

  9. If you're not okay with it then you're not okay with it. I would consider it cheating if he's going behind your back to record himself pleasuring (?) himself and posting it for other people to see without consulting you. That alone would be a deal breaker for me. Especially once he started sending pictures of himself to other people.

    He might love you but this is still a betrayal.

  10. I think you should tell your boyfriend. He might be annoyed, but coming clean now will be loads better than him hearing from H or whoever in the future.

  11. Wow. He sounds like someone who will reject anything someone else figures out, yet will never take the barest amount of time to do anything on his own. Fun.

    If you want to continue to deal with this combo of I AM RIGHT and … I am lazy … give him a firm deadline: “ok, if you want to choose the insurance policy, go for it, but if you haven’t secured coverage in X days, I’m getting this policy”.

    And good money says he agrees, doesn’t choose a policy, then complains when you choose a policy.

    Personally, I’d just buy a policy and tell him to f himself if he wants to complain.

  12. You probably won’t like it, but I’ll make a solid attempt anyway.

    As it turns out, we all have largely the same parts in the ole undercarriage OP. That means that you don’t really have to be worried or feel like you “missed out on sleeping around.” There isn’t really anything to miss out on. Those guys all have the same penises that do the same things that your poor fiancès penis does.

    If there is something different you want to try sexually, you can just communicate it to your partner.

    The realization is just that; there is no wildly different experiences to be had by sleeping with other people because we largely are all the same. The only difference comes from within you, because it’s truly about the way YOU feel.

    If you want more sex, say so. If you love each other that will hardly be a hard fix.

    Maybe do some soul searching and figure out what you are actually looking for, or are worried about.

  13. i promise you he’s not worth it at this point in your life, dump him and you have better chances of finding someone who will meet all of your needs if not exceed them happily

  14. “Typical female who is never happy”

    Please work on your internalized misogyny. And get your dog away from its abuser.

  15. Different socioeconomic status and different level of education both can work alright in a relationship, if both of you aren't too focused on it.

    My husband and me come from very different backgrounds (and he had a shitty childhood and went no contact with his family due to everything they put him through). We went to different school types, graduating on different levels. He never had much money, and while my folks weren't rich, we managed to get by alright, I studied while he worked in a steel mill and didn't get another job after losing that one due to health issues.

    We both don't care for status or money as long as we make ends meet. We don't care for societies expectations on who has to work or earn more or stuff, or that you should only be with someone on the same educational level. We see and treat each other as the equals we are, no matter what society may think about that.

  16. Not very bright of them. This is why you do surprise parties at your own house and then lure the ‘victim’ to you with an excuse. Because barging into someone else’s house unannounced is never the smart thing to do, with the possible exception being when it’s on fire.

  17. How about this? She says “I feel terrible AND I haven’t eaten all day.” You say “I’m sorry you feel terrible. Eating might make you feel better.” She says (essentially) “I don’t WANT to feel better. I want to wallow.” You say “OK, Babe. You do you.” And then you step away and stop engaging in the pity party.

    What you’re seeing as spiraling is, I think, her just being intractable. She WANTS to spend some time feeling like shit. You, of course, love her and want to fix it. She doesn’t want a fix. She wants to wallow. And guess what? She’s allowed to wallow, and you’re allowed to refuse to take part in the pity party.

    If she had a headache & refused aspirin you proffered, it would be ridiculous to expect much sympathy from you for the headache pain. This is the same.

    Offer your solution. When she refuses it, allow her to wallow in peace. She, though, doesn’t get to demand validation for willfully keeping herself in a tough spot.

    Make sense?

  18. No. You don’t stay with a chronic liar who manufactures arguments just to give himself the opportunity to treat you like you’re stupid.

    You do not “resolve” the kind of lying that he does.

    What are you even thinking?

  19. Approach the other guy and ask him how long has she been cheating on you with him. His body language will tell you everything.

  20. When you invite her, you can tell her that you are happy to invite her and pay for her but you can't afford to pay for others. If she tells you that she will invite so and so, that is not the same as saying that she has already invited them, so asking her not to invite them because you can't afford it is a reasonable thing to say. You can also say, if she really wants them to come, perhaps she can help pay for them or perhaps they can pay for themselves.

    I'm not sure if this is a cultural thing but since you two are close in age, the “older/younger sister” thing seems like it would be hardly applicable now. But it seems like – from the fact that you call her your “little” sister – you still really feel like the “big” sister. Maybe you could also act less like the “big” sister and try to treat her more as an equal. Try to let her make her own mistakes. Talk to her like you would talk to a peer rather than telling her how she should act.

    Maybe as steps toward this, you could do things that she could afford on her budget so that you could both pay for yourselves.

  21. I don’t care if you don’t want to hear that the way that you speak about women is offensive, it is.

  22. She is abusive. You're not at fault for wanting your spouse to treat you with basic respect.

    You should leave this marriage. She's telling you that she feels perfectly entitled to treat you like a piece of garbage. She's not going to change and you shouldn't spend your life trying to please someone who does not like you. Please love yourself enough to believe you deserve better.

  23. Imo it really could be from the past… If it was it's NOTHING to do with you, we all have pasts.

    Either way you trust her or you don't. If you don't leave.

  24. To be fair, the date swung on him first. I feel like it’s a pretty normal reaction to strike back

  25. Yeah I figured this was the case, I just didn’t really want to accept it. He’s definitely not out there about it and doesn’t follow a ton as far as I know. He doesn’t compare me to them or anything either.

  26. Sharing DNA doesn't necessarily need to amount to much. Whatever you choose to do, remember the family that chose to raise you, and know that your biological family's choices do not reflect your worth as a person.


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