Hana-hill live sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Hana-hill live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You should learn to be happy when alone. It will give you a baseline for comparison with future relationships. Being alone is better by far than being in the wrong relationship.

  2. Nah just walk bro , she lied and went to their house , either she testing the waters to see what you will tolerate and if you stay with her then she knows she can cheat or she just cheated…. Either way for me is the same end result , leaving

    You are both just too different , she can seperate sex and love , can sex others and not feel bad , you on the other hand can't….. Just leave otherwise you are still going to be hurt just take a bit longer that's all

  3. You should tell him that “beauty is an opinion, dick size by the other hand no. Well you at least is nicer than my ex”.

  4. I am so sorry that you were forced to make a decision that you weren't ready to make.

    Your boyfriend is selfish, self-centered, and quite frankly immature not to mention made your life so much harder than it had to be. At no time did he think of you or what it was doing to you or how your life would change and he made it very plain that you would never be first in his thoughts in a crisis that involved you, now he's treating you like the pariah when he told you you could depend on him.

    He's definitely showing you that he is not worthy of your time, your affection, and quite frankly he's just making you feel worse both physically and mentally. Please get rid of the boyfriend and seek therapy for your loss and your depression.

  5. Hello /u/w4ste0fspac3,

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  6. Next time he says “why don't you divorce me?” Look him in the eye and ask him if he'd be happier that way.

  7. Your perspective is what I'm looking for here. It does seem like a double standard, but I assure you I have taken greater steps than just being extra affectionate to get another woman to back away, the context above was an example.

    He is laid back but I don't know why he doesn't take this as a sign of disrespect from Greg. There will definitely be a next time, but the event last week for a few reasons was not the right place or time. Like funeral for Greg's close family kind of serious. Think what you want, it would not have worked out for me or Troy.

    What I think I really want is just for Troy to see that Greg isn't a true friend and yeah, maybe say something when I make it clear to Greg that I'm not putting up with his touches and 'compliments'.

    I DO NOT WANT TROY TO PULL A WILL SMITH or some shit like that but his apathy makes me think twice about how Troy really feels about me. There was a time a couple of years ago when I was very scared by man and Troy brushed me off when I asked him for help. He only believed that I was in danger that night after his buddy heard about it and told Troy a year later. Idk what else to say but that I just want him to care, not just do something so I'll shut up.

  8. Unfortunately some men do enjoy hurting other people mentally and emotionally, and it’s sadism bc they derive pleasure from watching other people hurt.

    You do you re: hookups and casual sex, but be aware that men like him exist.

  9. This is so right. I would do exactly the same in her shoes. When my now 16 year old was little I would always let him win at everything, and my then husband would make sure to tell him I was letting him win, as well as lecture me about how I was going to teach him to be a sore looser blah blah blah. Well, said kiddo is a big brother now, and he’s far from a sore looser. You know what actually happened? He learned about compassion and empathy and that you don’t always need to win just because you can. You know how I know? On MANY occasions I have observed him allowing his younger siblings to win, just like I did for him. When I mentioned it to him (out of earshot of the others, because I’m not a huge dick) he told me that he remembers how good it made him feel to beat me when dad wasn’t around to ruin it, and he wanted his siblings to feel like that

  10. Cancel the card if you have to in order to get out of this. She both showed and told you who she is, and you need to believe her. There’s no need for you to feel bad about this. You need to stop contacting her, you need to turn off your location sharing if you have it, and you need to stop catering to her demands.

    You also probably need some therapy to figure out why you’re willing to allow yourself to be stepped on like this by someone you’ve dated for eight months, especially when half of that time sounds terrible.

  11. You are selfish in that you propose no compromises that impact yourself. You keep your status quo while your girlfriend has to choose which sucky concessions she’ll have to make to stay with you.


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