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30 thoughts on “Black-candy23 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Being a parent to your partner will kill the relationship. No one wants to date their child. The article someone else posted is a good read. You do have to give an ultimatum. Because resentment in relationships is poison.

  2. That's alcoholism. Gotta decide if you want this in your life forever and there's nothing wrong with you if the answer is no.

  3. Speak with a lawyer first and proceed with the divorce. Your wife sounds delusional and only thinks about herself instead of her family’s finances & your daughter.

    Let her go online with her parents. Your daughter is your top priority, not your wife’s “happiness”. Your daughter is still young but if you stay with that woman she’ll grow up to have an unhealthy idea of what a marriage/relationship should be/look like.

  4. You don't sound like you're leading her on. She seems comfortable with you as friends and some friends might cuddle. That being said if it escalates any further from thst, you should make sure to mention that you value her friendship and don't want to break that relationship by being false with her pretending you have romantic feelings when you don't.

  5. There’s nothing wrong with OP wanting to be the recipient of pleasure every now and then. It sounds like she’s generally the giver of pleasure in their relationship and she wants a turn to be the recipient.

  6. He ruined their relationship when he chose to assault you. Cut contact with the person who gave you such bad advice too, that is not a friend.

  7. It's pretty odd that if you were so into her you would go 2 days without responding to her text. did you read it and then just not answer her? Or not think to text her at all in two days?

  8. My grandpa was a big tall bearded redhead with a unibrow and he once scared the fuck out of the local news anchor when the guy was doing a report on an abandoned church being tore down. It was about two houses down and covered in weeds/vines so my grandpa took his machete and his Coors and went to chop them down, already too drunk to talk and yelling probably incomprehensible shit to the anchor.

    One of my favorite memories lmao

  9. It doesn’t feel wrong because he groomed you. Seriously, please read about it. You were a child and he manipulated you into seeing things from his perspective and kept you from developing your own. It will take some time and some reflection and reading for you to really understand what has happened to you. He was an adult when he started “working” on you. He knew exactly what he was doing, that makes him a bad person. Just because he’s not violent (although he is emotionally abusive just in isolating and turning your joys against you, not to mention other manipulations), doesn’t make him a good person. A good person would have NEVER pursued a child.

  10. Oh honey, he wasn't that into you to begin with. No man who locks himself away all the time playing video games is that into their partner. At most you were a convenience who kept everything else running so he could act like a 12 year old. Get the best attorney you can, and make sure you get to keep the dog. He's not capable of taking care of any living thing.

  11. Watching porn and going to tinder are the least recommended things for you. To have quality sex life with intimacy, you ought to build a new relatioship with girl which would value similar things as you. I know it will be nude, but porn can polute your mind and cause undesired collateral damage to your sex life. Also, Tinder for men can be a disaster unless you are in the 1% most attractive in your area. You will probably have better chances within your friends to start a new relationship. Intimacy is not something we build overnight.

  12. Don't let her move in. You don't want her to move in, you are just bowing down the the pressure she is exerting. Do not give in. She is dismissing your very real concerns as if they don't matter. She is only concerned with the benefits to herself. She also told you that she plans to be a financial burden. There is no benefit to you to let her have her way.

    Once she moves in, you may have a problem getting her out. Enjoy your home alone until you decide that you want to support her, and have her as a constant companion. This woman seems very pushy, you need to be sure you want what she wants, and not just give in because it is easier than explaining.

  13. The two of you don't sound like a good match. You aren't happy with her as she is, and need her to change for you to be happy – this is a recipe for disaster.

    Find someone who shares your hobbies, invite them to try yours and ask to join theirs, but don't try to push your hobbies onto your partner if they're not interested.

    I'm like your gf in one way – I have some minor physical issues that I'm not doing a lot to improve but still sometimes whine about. One example is sciatica. The reason is that spending the 5 nights a week on rehab strength training (to get my pain level down from a 3 to a 1-2) is soul killingly boring and makes me feel like I'm wasting my life. I've done it for several years. It's not energizing, or fun, and doesn't build my self confidence or anything else. It just sucks so badly that I prefer to just do the bare minimum of occasionally stretching a bit, and deal with the pain. That way I can enjoy my free time, which is what makes life feel worth living. I think I would need surgery to actually be pain free, but it isn't high on my priority list because it's usually easy for me to ignore now. If my partner didn't respect that I'm making this choice, we wouldn't be a good match.

  14. I am just flabbergasted that she would choose to date a person of color as a yt girl, instead of sticking to her roots and she may do it in the future, back in the 50s or 60s you would NEVER see such a thing. As for her dating Hispanic men, well I never said she was pure yt, she has hispanic roots as well which I presume makes it ok.

  15. This was probably the most helpful advice I’ve gotten yet and I sincerely appreciate it. The cats have always been like this, and seem unbothered by the baby. A year and a half ago we moved into a much bigger house, not using the downstairs at all other than the laundry room. Since moving, the cats have so much room and tend to spread out and can leave pee I’m random places that can go unnoticed for a while. We are set to move to a much smaller place in two months and I look forward to a more manageable space, and opportunity to start fresh.

  16. If a baby is born and no one ever tells them about religion, they won’t know who god is or that religion exists.

    If the entire population were wiped out right now and restarted, the new race of humans would have no concept of god or religion.

    God is an idea that was created by humans. It is not natural. Not believing in made up concepts is, in fact, the default.

  17. So then…what exactly are you going on about? They both made a mistake, that ended in a baby. It happens. Both people are capable of raising a baby, and she seems more than capable of raising the baby without him. You’re just another person on reddit who thinks their hateful opinions on here are more important than anyone else’s lol grow uppppp

  18. His sexuality doesn't matter here imo. He did a sexual act with someone else and deliberately went somewhere it was likely to happen. That's cheating. I personally wouldn't put up with it.

  19. Ask them if they think either you or your girlfriend are unaware of her weight. Ask the why they feel this is something they should have the right to comment on. Or what point they are trying to make. Or “since we are stating facts here, you are rude, what’s your point?”

  20. You need to tell him the idea that he does not want to be in a relationship but you can't see other people is one-sided and unfair. It absolutely proves he is not ready for a relationship. So, in that case, you are going to stop seeing him because he is making demands that you can't and won't agree to. Them tell him bye.

  21. He didn't know it was wrong to rape you in your sleep? Of course he did. He chose to do it anyway. He chose to violate you without your knowledge or consent. Allowing someone to sleep next to you while you are unconscious and vulnerable places them in a position of trust. He took advantage of trust to use your body to serve only himself. I would never trust him again.

  22. I half-agree with this. You can mourn the loss of the daughter, have closure there, and THEN start a relationship with the son. That’s a totally legit way of processing the confusing feelings.

    But just mourning the loss is NOT moving on. That’s preserving the grief, and the fantasy, and wallowing in control and selfishness.

  23. Ex-bf's mother may simply wait around outside the store until she sees OP on the floor.

    As long as OP is professional, there should be no problem for OP.

    “Excuse me, but my employer is paying me to work here. If we can assist you with something we sell, please let an associate know. Otherwise, if you are here for your own personal agenda, I have no time or interest in that. If I ever wish to discuss my personal life with you, I know where to find you. Please either make your purchase or leave. Thank you.”

    Then walk away. You're not being rude, but you're not playing into her bullshit.

  24. As a woman, I agree with both groups. I would much rather someone come up to me and talk to me about class or something causal, maybe something he noticed about me like my glasses or a favorite topic, and then directly ask me for socials or give me his number. giving her your number gives her the opportunity to kindly say no without making thing’s negative or awkward (chicks dig guys who don’t make them feel pressured). I think guys have the most success when they’re direct but soft.


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