Ana&Eva the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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14 thoughts on “Ana&Eva the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. So, you're the only one working, AND she wants you to cook and clean? Nope. She's unemployed, therefore the householdy stuff is HER domain. She can ask for a little help here and there, maybe taking out the trash or something, but she has 0 right to ask you to handle the vast majority of chores. If she wants chores 50/50, then she can go get a job.

    I say this as my husband and I have this arrangement. He works full time, and I'm home making the meals and cleaning. (While trying to earn income from home as a freelancer…) Household tasks aren't bad if you're not doing anything else. She can suck it up.

  2. Well, as someone with chronic pain that I know will only get worse as I age, this is one of my biggest fears in life. I've been with my SO since we were 17, and by March we will both be 21. He is always so kind and supportive, but I'm scared he'll grow to resent me.

    “Men leaving their partners after a disability diagnosis is textbook”

    I don't know why you're taking offense to this. It's true. That's why it's a statistic.

    I am trying

    The point is that yes, you are. But statistics you are not, and never will, try as hot as your girlfriend would have if the roles were reversed. It's not your fault that that's the way most men react, but given it is exactly how you're reacting…its not unfair to point out. Which is mostly just sad for your girlfriend.

    I hope you both find genuine happiness, even if not together.

  3. No marriage, if your relationship survives long distance for 2 years, you know you've found the right person to marry.

    You're both so young that you're setting it up for failure if you marry now, instead of later.

  4. upposedly there are some apps you can use to create a burner number that won’t be a giveaway if this happens, but I’m not familiar with them.

    I’ve read about women using google voice. It’ll still ring if called, but they won’t actually have your number.

  5. Haven’t read the original post until I saw this one. Good for you for make a decision that will give you mental peace. But if that’s your decision to end your relationship on the premise of trying to own a house and have a family with debt to pay off, welcome to middle class America ?‍♂️

    You weren’t actually in love with this person.

    I’ve been with my wife for over 15 years. I knew she had over 40k in debt from a university that doesn’t even exist anymore. I was in my early 20’s when I married her/ Then we scrounged up all the money we had to put the minimum 3% down on a house.

    She told me it would probably take 2 decades to pay off the loan. Well as long as she was by my side, I couldn’t give a fuck if it took 4 decades.

    That’s love.

    We had children and lived our lives to the fullest while both working service industry jobs. Making the minimum payments to our debts. Still taking trips and living our lives to our fullest capabilities. Sure, we might not have been flying first class or taking trips on yachts. But we had fucking fun.

    10 years later we sold that house paid off all our debts. Used the extra money to buy another house a little before Covid. That house basically doubled in value even with the current recession.

    During Covid she attended an live college and upgraded her BS to an MBA. Now her earning potential is 5x of what our service industry job is. I’m so fucking proud of her. It encouraged me to go to school and I’m finishing my 1st year of mentorship in finance. Our future money wise is going to be wild.

    The thing is, even if we had stuck out that service industry job until retirement and paid off our debts in our 60’s. So what? As long as I did it with her and my children by my side is all that I would have cared about. When you die, no one is goin a give a fuck about how much money is in your bank account. Not even your family. Ive seen enough death and greed over their possessions to know.

    But having kids pushed me to want to provide the best future for them possible and I’m proud to say I’m doing that now. Good job letting her go. She can find a man that will love her for who she is. And you can find someone who meets your financial standards.

    Good luck OP ✌️

  6. It makes no sense what you’re saying. I love my fiancé. If he wants to stay with me after the cheating and was understanding (although hurt and doesnt want it to repeat), why would I dump him because ive made the decision he deserves better? Hes extremely happy when hes with me, feels loved, loves our sex, finds me attractive, smart, and caring.

  7. If people dont want to feel special why do you have to?

    At this point it is more about you that it is about them.

    And if noone shows up they may have had their reasons or even wrote back they wont make it

  8. Are you not OK with any casual drug use or is it just specifically because he seems to be using it in a way that’s problematic?

    I’m a woman in my late 40s that has ADHD and I did plenty of coke in my slightly misspent youth because of the way it calmed me down and let me do things like a “normal” person. Sadly, it took me another 20 years to figure out why it made me feel that way.

    It’s simply too dangerous to do coke now because of the risk of whatever it’s been cut with. That would be my immediate concern in this situation honestly.

  9. I don't think you should go. Quite honestly, I think you and the ex should have a girls' night. I get what you're saying and his reasoning for needing to stay on good terms with this dude, but that doesn't mean you need to compromise your morals and put up with this dude's shit.


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