My (22f) Husband (29M) keeps telling me to come to Reddit about our arguments. so here I am. Do all men feel how my husband feel?

I (22f) have been with my partner (29m) for coming up on 3 years, and our daughter is 4 months old. He makes sure to let me know how lazy I am, even though I’m the only one to care for our daughter or clean our house. He works a lot and when he comes home, he spends a couple hours on the game and he might hold our daughter for a couple minutes. He says that since I’m staying home caring for our infant alone I should have dinner made, the dogs and pig should be fed, watered (obviously), and walked. Trash should be burned. Dishes should be clean. Floor swept and mopped. His other kids rooms clean. Every surface wiped down. He also says that there ARE gender roles and this is what a woman should do to keep her man happy. According to him I don’t deserve to be loved on until I’ve finished the chores and put the baby to sleep by myself and made sure that he feels loved and cared for. Our daughter won’t take a bottle and he won’t help me with bottles so I can’t go back to work but I’m also not helping financially. He doesn’t stay up with our daughter. If I don’t initiate sex we don’t have sex. He straight up said he’s won’t touch me in ways that please me Because he’s “not in high school”. I feel crazy. He’s obsessed with the concept of disrespect. Everything I do is disrespectful- if the dishes aren’t clean, if the floors not mopped, if I leave little trinkets around the house, if I started projects that I didn’t get to finish and forgot about when the baby woke up, or If the baby has been a little fussy and I’m feeding her when he gets home I’m a fat lazy waste of space and why didn’t I get anything done today. I don’t text him throughout the day telling him sweet little nothings, so I must not love him. I can’t choose between being a mom and a partner even though sometimes I have to because my daughter ISNT CAPABLE OF CARING FOR HERSELF. it’s like he’s mad that I can’t be his mother for him, right? So Reddit. What do y’all think? Please be honest because he will absolutely be seeing every word.

submitted by /u/Winter-Shop-827
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