Oriana online sex cams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Oriana online sex cams for YOU!

  1. He's obviously not going to change. It's time to make plans for yourself to get you and your fur babies out of there, before it's too late. Things like this rarely get better. Would you let him hurt one of the cats? You're the same, just as important as them. He needs help but doesn't want to get it.

    Maybe amend the ultimatum. If by one month, he doesn't start treating you better, you need to leave. You're important and precious. If he loves you, he'll realize that treating you this way isn't fair. For you and the cats.

    If you see him losing his cool, leave the house IMMEDIATELY. You said you have a job. Great. Start planning on leaving. This is not right. No matter how bad a day he's had, or how “mean” you are to him.

  2. Dad, you can not replace one daughter with another. You weren't there for one Lily when she was a child…and you can't make yourself feel less guilty by being there for another Lily now. So If you name your new child Lily, then she will be your only child as I will remove you from my life permanently. It is beyond disrespectful that you would even consider this and frankly, I do not know if this is something I will ever be able to move past.

    I have accepted the fact that you were not present in my life growing up. And I have accepted that I will never have the kind of father daughter relationship that I want. But if you go through with this, understand that you will no longer be my father.


  3. I would say it’s time to have a conversation with your girlfriend. You need to express to her what the feeling of being wanted and sought after does for you and how it makes you feel validated. It may be a rough conversation but it should be open and honest. Things can get dull and boring in a long term relationship. Maybe she doesn’t feel like your doing those things for her either and you both need a reset. Perhaps shift your focus towards seeking your girlfriend and making her feel wanted and desired, in both a sexual and non sexual way. Call her and ask her out on a date, set a time and make reservations, go pick her up, properly! Walk to the door, knock, walk her to the car, open the door, no “I’m here” text messages, etc etc etc. It’s amazing how things like that reciprocate. It’s easy to let those things fall by the wayside but put the effort in you did initially. I make sure to make my fiancé always feel loved and desired and in turn she does the same for me.

  4. Dude grow some balls. Kick this leach to the curb. I get it it's scary to move on from a relationship, even one that is toxic. You've got time invested, you even managed to forgive her for cheating (I mean that's a deal breaker for me and I imagine it took its toll on you) you're big-time into the sunk cost fallacy here. Your self esteem is probably in the toilet and you're worried you won't find anyone else.

    What you need to do is rip the band-aid off and move on, take some time to sulk and feel sorry for yourself if you need to. Go completely NC with her, she'll probably result to hysterical bonding when she realizes your balls finally dropped and you're done with her shit. You must resist and go NC, move places if needed, she knows she can sway you so not having contact is probably your best option.

    Once you feel you've recovered enough, start working on yourself. Hit the gym, get some hobbies, go get drunk at a bar and talk to random women. You need to grow your confidence. Some time later down the line you'll wonder why you didn't do this earlier.

  5. Don’t invest in someone based on how much you like them. Invest in someone based on how much THEY invest in YOU. He isn’t investing much here. I wish someone told me that sooner. I would have had a LOT more fun in college instead of being tied to a guy who just was controlling. But yeah. Read that first part of this comment again and again and again. I would have it tattooed if I could

  6. Unfortunately-and I mean this in the most gentle way possible – he is not really into the relationship anymore. You should probably move on

  7. After being married for 10 years I can tell you, the flame remains, it changes with the time, there are times where we are less passionate, other times we can't get enough of each other.

    Intensity and frequency in sexuality has changed but what keeps the relationship alive is the emotional support, the loving gestures and the constant effort to take care of each other.

    He was just lazy and didn't make the efforts to keep the relationship healthy, the sexual and emotional deficit you had killed your love, from your comments looks like you were ” on charge” to make things works until you got exhausted.

    Just love the other person is not enough, you have to express it through actions to make the other person feel loved.

  8. This isn't a court tho, he doesn't need a smoking gun to know the relationship is inappropriate, the fact that he's bragging about flirting with her and she's hiding the relationship is more than enough to connect the dots

  9. Definitely cancel the gym, for BOTH memberships. Or see if you can take her off of your membership even if you have to pay a penalty. She can’t dictate where you work out. You also need to block her access to you. On everything. She’s dicking you around and you’re completely allowing it. Stop being treated like trash. You deserve better.

  10. Are you a troll? I support the movement “Free the penis” especially around in parks with little kids.

    This was sarcastic…

  11. 14 years difference…and you think that this is a recipe for a healthy relationship? Have you ever stopped to think why he cannot get a gf in his own age group?

    This “whatever it us5” was over before it even started. And solely because your age difference screams you are both at different stages in your life and that you cannot find middle ground so resort to this behaviour to get rid of your frustrations to make up for it.

    Sorry. Too far gone.

  12. Let it go. Revenge will never end well. You could reach out to the guy and let him know that she was planning on pursuing you again mid-year, but honestly, it's just adding fuel to the fire.

  13. Okay Sis, I think it is time to seriously consider getting her in patient treatment of some sort. The fact that she doesn't think you are hers, the fact that she doesn't know who your sister is… all of that is seriously concerning. If there is any chance that she is self harming I would 100% call 911 and have the paramedics take her to the ER and try to get her termporarily committed so they can figure out what is going on.

    Her worsening around other folks – particularly at the hospital – might not be a bad thing if it can force involuntary committment while she gets appropriately assessed and medicated. It might be dementia but it also might be some other psychiatric condition.

    If it is early onset altzheimers then you are looking at a rapid decline.

    This is WAY above what you and your sister can handle on your own right now.

  14. Puppies belong to an absolutely different class of animal for most people than frogs, truly this is not a shocking thing to you. Frogs are considered so classically ugly that there are fables about having to kiss a frog as a horrifying thing. On the other hand, basically no one thinks puppies (or beans) are inherently ugly or gross.

    There's been a lot of people who feel that frogs are cute, but it's certainly not a guarantee that someone who thinks frogs are cute will want to be told they “look like a frog”.

    And OP even gets to the point: they could be compared to a frog for reasons like hopping around, or maybe having long legs or big eyes, but just saying someone looks like a frog overall is simply rude. And everything around her expressing that he hurt her feelings just underlines that he's an asshole; if he sincerely meant it was a compliment, he'd just apologize for the confusion and try to explain himself.

  15. 🙁 part of me just wants to think it was an honest accident due to her past. But then I think about the future and it scares me.

  16. This comment really hit me in the face in an important way. Thank you for sharing with me. I have a lot of thinking to do, I know what I need to do, but finding the strength to do it is hot. I hope you are doing better and I’m glad you have support around you. Thank you for taking the time to comment


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