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36 thoughts on “Sweet girls the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I think that's very rare. I get cold sores and I don't get them very often but when I do I always tell my husband and we don't kiss for about two weeks until the virus goes dormant again. We've been together over 26 years and he has never got a cold sore. I wouldn't let this be a deal breaker if you really like the guy.

  2. Wtf are you even mad about? The thing with your friend was before you even knew her and it's understandable she'd hesitate to tell you.

    And you said yourself the married man was in an open relationship and the wife wanted her to join lol

    Or you're trolling

  3. This really doesn't sound like a big deal. I can understand that from the perspective of a woman you want to be your man's perfect everything, but that truly is never actually the case. No one is perfect, and if that were true there would never be anything but perfect harmony in the relationship (never the case). If you really feel insecure about your body there's an easy fix: go to the gym. I did it, it's tough at first, but worth it, and not just for physical appearance either. Tons of people are suggesting “therapy' as a be all end all fix, which don't get me wrong can help at times, but we have to take a step back and realize there is so much social scientists don't know. Talking about your problems is absolutely necessary, but spending your money on a therapist might not be worth it when the fix can be as easy as 2-5 hrs a week at PF (10$ a month). It sounds to me like he is really trying not to hurt your feelings with this issue, and if you need him to stop mentioning it in order to be motivated to change than let him know. But his feelings themselves about his preferences should not be diminished just because you feel insecure about not fitting them. You don't need to change, but your insecurity is your problem to fix. I'm not suggesting that you need to hit the gym, I'm just trying to point out that if the problem can be fixed with this step, the option is provided.

  4. I’m sorry this is not helpful but I just want to validate how you feel. I’d feel the same way. It was a great opportunity for him to lift you up and he, for whatever reason, did not do that.

  5. He flipped the tray? Nah fuck that. Hes not good for you or anyone. Bro needs therapy. What a child

    But regardless of that clearly you 2 just aren't compatiable. He has a love language that goes against you. I get it

    However you should also go to therapy for something called food insecurity. Youre like a dog that gets territorial about their food.

    I do the same thing. But when its an S/O i can share from my plate (but I am VERY disappointed doing so) it can lead to other unhealthy food habits and stresses you dont realize.

    I.e I hate having people over for dinner unless I specifically bought food for that reason.

  6. Look man all im saying is dont have sex with her unless you like drama and scandals and heartbreak. Hugging maybe is okay it just depends.

  7. She has iPhone, I have Android, which is why snapchat location is turned on. I thought about maybe asking if she would be willing to get life 360 maybe?

  8. No. This is not your child. You do not get to use another woman’s child as your chance to have a family. That’s not a healthy outlook in any way, shape or form, whatsoever. If you want a chance to have a family, get married and either try first (some women with endometriosis can have kids), do fertility treatments, get a surrogate or adopt. Do those things. Don’t try to make her child yours in some bid to have your own happy family. That’s the quickest way to getting dumped and/or having your stepchild and their bio mom (parents), resent and hate you.

    If a kid comes to see you as a second mom on their own, that’s fine. But forcing it because you want it? Please think about therapy if you truly believe this would work or be healthy for anyone involved in this mess.

  9. Yes!!! I remember the other post. I swear there are writers that just like to make up fan fiction for this thread. Lol

  10. I say this a lot, but your entire post shows you have no self-awareness for that unhealthy relationship you have with your parents.

    When you marry someone, that person is meant to be your partner in life. It is a situation where if you have problem you run to your parents when something doesn't go your way.

    Quite frankly, you seem like a child and I don't think you're ready to be married.

  11. I think you should rope in his parents into the situation and make them have a talk to your fiancé and the brother.

    Tbh, no. OP shouldn't marry him and see this as a wake-up call. Her fiancé is totally disregarding her feelings and boundaries every time something is going on with his brother. Giving him her pets so he can also have an support animal?! And then saying those are THEIR cats so he can also do whatever he wants. Then on top of that, he or his brother are stealing pills…

    Absolute fucking not would I continue this.

  12. Also know that depending on where you on-line if you give her regular alone time with the child it opens up the door for her to claim grandparents rights if you decide to cut off contact later.

  13. He cheated, you chased him back, he cheated again. He is a guy who cheats. Not so sure this should surprise you.

  14. Dump that loser. That’s literally a roommate. You can do so much better based on your own stories. Also, he’s not going to start paying rent. He’s lying to you. Put your foot down now and tell him to start paying.

  15. I just had a thought that maybe I should tell him he’s allowed to drop his load in my hair if he drops the argument… but truthfully I’m worried it will make the problem worse!!! ??‍♀️

  16. And that is how it needed to be handled. I wasn't even in the wrong. I helped them a lot in the game and they still fucked up and then I got shit on, and he said nothing.

  17. You don't love her

    Y'all are too young and immature for relationships based on this

    Move on to the next

  18. You cheated on him with his friend , no coming back from that

    Whether you guys are good together is another matter completely

  19. I agree with this. The question is mostly about whether or not your kids feel safe around him and if he's behaved inappropriately with them, and as long as they report no problems I would not worry about it.

    I personally do enjoy watching stuff on porn that I would never do in real life. For one thing, I'm not a girl so lesbian porn would be pretty much impossible for me~

  20. I had a similar situation with a guy I was seeing around 4 years ago for a few months. He had a very bad case of phimosis so sex was painful for him and he couldn't use condoms. He didn't want to have surgery for the same reason as your bf. Fair enough, your body your choice. But I couldn't handle it and I just had to end it. Sexual compatibility and sex life in general is very important in a relationship.

  21. She needs to wake up. Bill is a 20 year old child and if she feels like she wants that and they’re on the same level intellectually then she’s too much of a child herself to maintain a lasting relationship.

    Sorry, but at 33 as a grown ass woman, one should already be aware that they are accountable for protecting their marriage and she should be the one seeking couples therapy for being unsatisfied rather than your responsibility to fix it. If she’s not putting in the effort to fix then this is a waste of time you could be spending on someone who will protect what you already have.

  22. Ah man, that's not bad at all. He can't come up with less than half a grand in three months? That's bonkers.

  23. It is worth mentioning that what I meant by crush was more that she wanted to hook up with me casually rather than her wanting to be with me in a relationship.

    I see, that makes more sense.

    Even with that in mind, I think you will feel much better about yourself if you choose a different woman to hook up with out of respect to your ex. You will be keeping it classy and doing the gracious thing.

    If you have one woman approaching you for casual sex, it sounds like you won't have too much difficulty finding another woman even if it may take more time/effort.

  24. Your in an open relationship what did you think would happen.

    It’s seems to be and I could be guessing, the guy you was seeing has gone and now your want all the attention from your partner but he is dating someone else.

    Everyone in comments are saying to leave him. Why not his fault you taking issue with him dating someone.

    Who’s idea was the open relationship

  25. Don’t you think you’ve tried enough at this point? She has been breaking up once every ten days on average. That doesn’t sound like an amazing relationship 95% of the time. I would probably agree that she has BPD traits, but if she’s not willing to recognise her behaviour as deeply problematic and make an effort to change, this is how your relationship will look like. It’s always a bad idea to enter into a relationship trying to change the person if she’s not willing to change herself.

  26. I can pretty confidently say I don't think she's trying to create separation, only because 1) my dad is already uninvited to family events – he wouldn't be there even if we were. I am his only 'whoopsie spawn', so I suppose she could be trying to get rid of me as the last loose end BUT 2) we had a big tearful talk when the divorce happened and she told me super plainly she still wanted to be in my life and 3) there was a really easy way out opportunity for her to cut ties with me and she still chose not to. She's put in a lot of effort in keeping up communicating when I isolate too, so its very hot for me to see any manipulation when she's worked so hot to keep up the relationship, it just doesn't add up.

  27. I took the clip out and I've been walking around with it in my pocket for the past week.

    It's the only clip I own so she would have to work really very hot to do anything with it.


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