Husband (m35) doesn’t take care of me when I’m sick (f29)
7KI got really sick on Friday. I mean sick. My head hurts as pounding, muscle aches, couldn’t swallow, ears hurting.
I asked him to take my temperature. He looked at me like I was disgusting and said – I’m sure you’re fine. You look like shit though.
I barely could eat. And he did not offer to make me even a few. No warm bags. No pharmacy runs. No nothing.
He left me sleeping and went to family function. So now I’m also not only sick but alone and without a car. So I couldn’t go to pharmacy myself.
I’m always taking care of him when he’s sick.i don’t know if I’m asking for too much?
I don’t know how to bring this up? How should I approach the topic without being too critical?
submitted by /u/beebik6rv
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