Wife-30F cheated on me-30M, then conspired with daughter and turned her against me.

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Wife-30F cheated on me-30M, then conspired with daughter and turned her against me.

The other day, my wife(30F) of 7 years, daughter (5) and I(30M) were playing a game of bugs. For anyone unfamiliar with this game, it is a card game where you play with a deck which has pictures of different bugs. Each person gets 5 cards which they do not reveal to the other players and each take a turn at putting down a card, vertically or horizontally, along the table. Each time someone lays down a card, they pick up another card (player always has 5). If the player has a matching card to one already on the table, they lay it down on the opposite side of where the card is laying and picks up all of the cards in between the two identical cards. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

The game was going great at first. I was winning. But suddenly I noticed that my wife and daughter were whispering back and forth to each other. Not only that, I saw my wife, point to the card that she wanted our daughter to lay down. They were coordinating together to lay down matching bugs, comparing cards and scheming on what moves to make together. Not only that, but I noticed that my wife had combined her, and our daughter's pile of collected cards into one big one. I told my wife "that's against the rules, you are not allowed to combine your two stack of cards". My daughter gave me a teddy bear and told me that I can be on a team with the bear, but I said that this still won't make it fair unless the bear also gets 5 cards and has a turn to go.

Suddenly my wife, notices that even with her two stacked collected bug-cards, I have more than both of them. In a blind attempt at deflection and gas lighting, she tries to accuse me of cheating.

"How many cards do you have in your hand?" She says… I had 5, like I was supposed to. But she made me turned them around and counted them several times over.

"How is it possible that you are getting so many matches?" She asks? She would not accept the fact that I was beating them both despite them cheating. "I know you are hiding some cards somewhere."

Suddenly my daughter turns on me. "Yea!" She says, "Are you sitting on some cards?". I got up, showed them that I wasn't, grabbed the teddy bear, and ran out of the room.

As I closed the door to my room, hugging my teamate, I heard them both laughing outside. I am beside myself and am at a loss. Please reddit, give me some advice.

TlDR: wife cheated and convinced daughter that I am the cheater.

submitted by /u/Stark371
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