I [27M] have a recording of my “gf” [26F] planning to “cuddle” and hang out with some guy. Cheating or no?

I am currently on vacation. My “gf” stays at my house, she doesn’t have anywhere else to live. I don’t really trust her there by herself. I have 4 or 5 cameras around the house. She is aware of this, most were there beforehand. I’ve done my best not to check the cameras and just trust her. Today, I noticed I had an alarming amount of notifications (they were silenced) that said the front door kept being opened between 4am and 5am.

I check the cameras to see why and can hear her on the phone with some guy. She’s giggling on the phone like “yeah we can kick it and cuddle and I can hang out until you have to go to work” then tells that guy to hang on and takes another call from a different guy where she says “I’m just trying to go there to get my ID and come back, I have work in the morning.” I’ve been gone at this point for 3-4 days. I then skimmed through the time stamps the door was opened and she was on the phone trying to figure out where some guy was. She’s giving him my address. I don’t want people having my address or knowing she’s at my house, which she’s aware of. So this already pisses me off. Her trying to go out at 4am is also unacceptable; if I was home, she wouldn’t be trying to do it. I was also able to hear her telling this guy essentially all of our relationship issues which we agreed to discuss when I got back home.

Is this a justifiable reason to end the relationship? Am I overreacting? Should I give her a chance to explain? Should I just let it go?

EDIT: She didn’t bring anybody into my home. I think she’s smart enough to know what she would get caught easier that way. She seems to have had the guy park out front, I assume they went somewhere and then she showed back up a little while later.

submitted by /u/TheKingGoliath
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