HeidiFoxxx live sex chats for YOU!

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25 thoughts on “HeidiFoxxx live sex chats for YOU!

  1. what in the actual fuck. no offense but there is so much wrong here. please stop adjusting your needs to appease his unrealistic, unreasonable, unfounded, controlling issues.

  2. People like you disgust me. Lots of people piss me off. But you are a genuine POS. I hope you get dropped hard by that girl. I don't know her but she 100% deserves better than you.

  3. It’s totally fine, your boyfriend is insecure. What would be if you were bisexual? Would be expect your to stop having/making friends at all because you might be potentially attracted to them? I’ve always found this discussion ridiculous.

  4. Farts are natural, everyone does them. I would never get mad or disgusted at accidental farts. But if someone tried to fart on me on purpose as a joke…I would be done.

  5. First off I'd be very hesitant about entertaining a friendship with someone like this. You don't need that drama and you've already done what you can with giving her a therapist contact info. I know it's easy to feel responsible to help when people are hurting, but this one is not on you.

    I'd say that it sounds like he was doing what is referred to like “reactive abuse”. If she yells, throws things and slams doors and fights him constantly he will eventually break. Not to say that tackling her was nowhere near ok. Likely they are both legally guilty of assault. Her likely on multiple occasions.

    Intense therapy is the only hope for anything good and she needs to deceide herself that she wants it

  6. So I just found out last week from my dad that unfortunately, my grandpa has always been this way. It broke my heart to hear, but my parents say me down and told me that he would nitpick on us from the time we were kids, they just never told us to protect us.

  7. Do I just block both of them and move on?

    Yes. And while ultimately who you choose to date in the future is up to you, I hope you consider finding someone closer to your own age next time. There's no healthy reason why a woman nearly twice your age would choose to date someone the age of a college student. She should have never cheated on her husband, and certainly not with someone so much younger.

    Best of luck.

  8. Yeah none of this sound good lol It's more than likely a broke guy looking for a sugar mom. I would've been over this and just broke up, if I were you.

  9. You were “enforcing” a boundary and then threw a tantrum and trampled all over her boundaries. I'm glad she stood up for herself because you were in the wrong here.

  10. I'd tell him off ??‍♀️ can't say whether or not that's right. I have a temper that I keep under strict control at all times and I take an awful lot of crap from people but this type of dude, this guy may not even truly believe what he is saying and wants to just get people to react to him, it's baiting. So I figure, if you're asking for a reaction, I'll provide one you won't ever forget and let out my monster. So yeah, verbally rip him to shreds has got my vote.

  11. HPV is considered the common cold of STDs. Almost everyone will get it at some point. I had it and the doctor said you don't really need to tell sexual partners because if it's not the type that gives you warts or cancer there isn't really any way it can harm men.

    I'm not really sure what advice you want here?HPV isn't normally tested for in an STI screening anyway it's tested for in a cervical screening and it's not really treated the same way as other STDs provided it's not a type that causes warts or cancer

  12. Just get a penis extension sheath. Its a silicone dildo like thing that you csn pop over your penis and use that extra length and girth to satisfy your partner.

    Ask her for a BJ after she gets off. A smaller penis is a lot easier to blow. 🙂 Thsts the plus for you here.

  13. The fact that you enjoy fluffy reading is not important info about yourself.

    Your boyfriend is a snob and is way too concerned about what you read. I know a judge that wears plaid flannel shirts around the house and I've seen him read Archie & Garfield comics sometimes. Everyone has their own ways to unwind and if they aren't hurting anyone they aren't anyone else's business.

  14. A real sailor sails the Red Sea.


    A true knight has blood on his sword.

    What’s gross is that there is a huge chance he doesn’t even wash his own shitstained underpants, or does so inadequately, and he’s grossed out about this? How about some quid pro quo, dude? No one’s ordering you to eat that box.

    Women do not become some disgusting untouchable when they menstruate, and today’s men still acting like they’re girls with cooties is disappointing and depressing.

    Get rid of the boy, because that’s what he is. Not treating your partner with the slightest sliver of respect and love and care when you’re literally on your most painful, irritated, tired, sore period is fucking beyond me. You deserve better than that.

    Don’t even consider break up coitus etc, that’s for amicable splits. This is a ‘grab your shit and go’ kind of thing.

  15. I don't mean to blame, but why he doesn't to stand up to her? There must be a reason and then help him overcome it.

  16. Sleeping separately can give someone the space needed to decompress after an argument. I used to follow my ex around wanting resolution and it made things worse. When I started sleeping downstairs, we could chill and regroup the next morning.

    The issue is the frequency of these arguments, you need to get to the bottom of that.

  17. OP, even though it's totally irrational a lot of people will still feel like they have to compete with a partner's deceased loved one. So when you talk about missing your former partner this current one loses his professional composure and starts to feel like you're comparing him to the man you lost. You may feel that your current partner is supposed to be the repository of all your grief and regret. But on this one particular issue he's just the wrong person to go to. To be honest you'd be better of discussing this with people who were similarly affected by the death. So if you're still in touch with your former partner's family those would be the people who can truly understand your grief.


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